Вывод дифференциальных уравнений колебания стержней типа шпинделя уборочного аппарата при пространственном нагружении
- № 1(7) 2017
Язык: русский
На основе вариационного принципа Остроградского-Гамильтона выведены уравнения колебаний стержней
типа шпинделя при пространственном нагружении. В качестве объекта моделирования рассматривается
стержень типа шпинделя со сложным поперечным сечением. Полученные уравнения колебаний описываются
системами дифференциальных уравнений в частных производных второго порядка с естественными
граничными и начальными условиями.
In article on the basis of a variation principle of Ostrogradsky-Hamilton’s are deduced of the equations fluctuation of cores such as a spindle at spatial loadings. As object of modeling, is considered of cores such as spindles with complex cross sections. Received of the equations fluctuation is described by systems by the differential equations by private products of the second order with natural boundary and entry conditions.
Maqolada Ostrogradskiy-Gamilton variatsion prinsipi asosida shpindel tipidagi sterjenlarning fazoviy yuklanishlardagi tebranishlarining tenglamalari keltirib chiqarilgan. Modellashtirish ob’yekti sifatida, murakkab ko’ndalang kesimli shpindellar tipidagi sterjenlar qaralgan. Olingan tebranish tenglamalari tabiiy chegaraviy va boshlang’ich shartli ikkinchi tartibli xususiy xosilali differensial tenglamalar sistemasi ko’rinishida ifodalangan.
In article on the basis of a variation principle of Ostrogradsky-Hamilton’s are deduced of the equations fluctuation of cores such as a spindle at spatial loadings. As object of modeling, is considered of cores such as spindles with complex cross sections. Received of the equations fluctuation is described by systems by the differential equations by private products of the second order with natural boundary and entry conditions.
Maqolada Ostrogradskiy-Gamilton variatsion prinsipi asosida shpindel tipidagi sterjenlarning fazoviy yuklanishlardagi tebranishlarining tenglamalari keltirib chiqarilgan. Modellashtirish ob’yekti sifatida, murakkab ko’ndalang kesimli shpindellar tipidagi sterjenlar qaralgan. Olingan tebranish tenglamalari tabiiy chegaraviy va boshlang’ich shartli ikkinchi tartibli xususiy xosilali differensial tenglamalar sistemasi ko’rinishida ifodalangan.