Современные технологии коррекции косметических дефектов лица (обзор литературы)
- № 3(68) 2017
Язык: русский
Maqolada yosh kichkina nuqsonlarni yuz va yoshdagi o’zgarishlarni tuzatish uchun zamonaviy kosmetologiyaning rivojlanishining ikkita asosiy yo’nalishi keltirilgan. PRP-texnologiyasini (plazmolizatsiyalash), ko’rsatkichlar va kontrendikatsiyalarni olish usuli, harakat mexanizmi batafsil tavsiflangan. Fibroblast madaniyatini transplantatsiya qilishning istiqbolli usuli ham taqdim etilgan, samaradorligi isbotlangan, bemordan olingan fibroblast madaniyatini olish uchun birusultaqdimetilgan.
The article presents two main directions of development of modern cosmetology for correction of small defects in the face and age changes. The technique of obtaining PRP-technology (plasmolifting), indications and contraindications, the mechanism of action is described in detail. A promising method for transplantation of fibroblast cultures is also presented, its effectiveness is proved, a method for obtaining fibroblast cultures taken from the patient is presented.
The article presents two main directions of development of modern cosmetology for correction of small defects in the face and age changes. The technique of obtaining PRP-technology (plasmolifting), indications and contraindications, the mechanism of action is described in detail. A promising method for transplantation of fibroblast cultures is also presented, its effectiveness is proved, a method for obtaining fibroblast cultures taken from the patient is presented.