Распространенность различных форм дистальной окклюзии у ортодонтических пациентов с учетом типа роста челюстей
- № 4 2021
Язык: русский
Основываясь на клинических, нефелометрических показателях, целесообразно
выделение различных форм дистального прикуса, так как они, имеют различную этиологию и патогенез, имеют различные клинические признаки, требуют дифференциального
ортодонтического подхода, что совершествует их лечение.
This article presents data from a clinical examination of patients with diagnosed distal bite, that have been carried out at the clinic of orthodontics and dental prosthetics of the Tashkent State Dental Institute. The diagnostic studies allowed us to substantiate the development of an integrated approach to diagnosis from the scientific point of view, taking into account the vertical growth component in patients with distal occlusion. In addition, the correlation relationships of the vertical and horizontal ratios of the jawbones which have a significant diagnostic value were studied and determined, that will allow the orthodontist to predict the probability of aggravation or selfregulation of the problem.
This article presents data from a clinical examination of patients with diagnosed distal bite, that have been carried out at the clinic of orthodontics and dental prosthetics of the Tashkent State Dental Institute. The diagnostic studies allowed us to substantiate the development of an integrated approach to diagnosis from the scientific point of view, taking into account the vertical growth component in patients with distal occlusion. In addition, the correlation relationships of the vertical and horizontal ratios of the jawbones which have a significant diagnostic value were studied and determined, that will allow the orthodontist to predict the probability of aggravation or selfregulation of the problem.