Признание: последствия для трансграничного доступа к Высшему образованию и мобильности
- № 7 2019
Язык: русский
В публикации описывается опыт Технического Университета Молдовы в Республке Молдова по реализации стратегии признания периодов обучения за рубежом, а также раскрыта тема важности международной мобильности для
повышения качества высшего образования в странах, подписавших Болонскую Декларацию. Данная возможность была получена благодаря программе технического сотрудничества Европейского Союза Erasmus+ в рамках очередного семинара Экспертов Высшего Образования при содействии организации SPHERE 10-11 июня 2019 года.
Nashrda chet mamlakatlarining o’qitish davrlarini tan olish strategiyasini amalga oshirish bo’yicha Moldova Respublikasining Moldova Texnika Universiteti tajribasi tasvirlangan, shuningdek Bolon Deklaratsiyasiga a’zo bo’lgan mamlakatlarda oliy ta’lim sifatini oshirish uchun xalqaro mobillikning zarurligi mavzusi yoritib berilgan. Ushbu imkoniyat Yevropa Ittifoqining Erasmus + texnik hamkorlik dasturi doirasida SPHERE tashkiloti hamkorligida Oliy Ta’lim Mutaxassislarining navbatdagi seminarida 2019 yil 10-11 iyun kunlari qabul qilindi.
The publication describes the experience of the Technical University of Moldova in the Republic of Moldova on the implementation of the strategy of recognition of periods of study abroad, as well as the importance of international mobility to improve the quality of higher education in the countries that signed the Bologna Declaration. This opportunity was obtained thanks to the technical cooperation program of the European Union Erasmus+ in the framework of the next seminar Of Higher Education experts with the assistance of SPHERE on June 10-11,2019.
Nashrda chet mamlakatlarining o’qitish davrlarini tan olish strategiyasini amalga oshirish bo’yicha Moldova Respublikasining Moldova Texnika Universiteti tajribasi tasvirlangan, shuningdek Bolon Deklaratsiyasiga a’zo bo’lgan mamlakatlarda oliy ta’lim sifatini oshirish uchun xalqaro mobillikning zarurligi mavzusi yoritib berilgan. Ushbu imkoniyat Yevropa Ittifoqining Erasmus + texnik hamkorlik dasturi doirasida SPHERE tashkiloti hamkorligida Oliy Ta’lim Mutaxassislarining navbatdagi seminarida 2019 yil 10-11 iyun kunlari qabul qilindi.
The publication describes the experience of the Technical University of Moldova in the Republic of Moldova on the implementation of the strategy of recognition of periods of study abroad, as well as the importance of international mobility to improve the quality of higher education in the countries that signed the Bologna Declaration. This opportunity was obtained thanks to the technical cooperation program of the European Union Erasmus+ in the framework of the next seminar Of Higher Education experts with the assistance of SPHERE on June 10-11,2019.