Напряженно-деформированное состояние ортотропной сферической оболочки, ослабленной двумя круговыми отверстиями
- № 4(16) 2018
Язык: русский
Методам расчета оболочечных конструкций из композитных материалов и ис-
следованию концентрии напряжений около отверстий посвящено достаточно болшое
число работ. Однако большинство исследований выполнено в рамках классической
гипотезы Кирхгофа-Лява, не учитывающей межслоевые и поперечные сдвиги, ха-
рактерные для композитных материалов.
В рамках усовершенствованной теории типа Тимошенко предлагается примене-
ние метода конечных элементов для решения задач ортотропных оболочек из ком-
позитных материалов, ослабленных несколькими отверстиями.
Разработан численный алгоритм по методу конечных элементов и на ЭВМ ре-
ализован пакет прикладных программ, позволяющий решать задачи концентрации
напряжений возле двух отверстий в оболочках из композитных материалов. Былы
изучены параметры и их влияние на концентрацию напряжений около двух внутрен-
них круговых отверстий для ортотропных сферических оболочек. Приведены кон-
кретные результаты для случаев больших и малых отверстий с учетом жесткости
подкрепляющих элементов. Данный пакет прикладных программ может быть при-
менен к расчету элементов оболочечных конструкций из ортотропных композитных
материалов, ослабленных несколькими отверстиями.
Methods of calculating shell structures from composite materials and studying the concentration of strains near the holes are devoted to a rather large number of works. However, most of the research was carried out within the framework of the classical Kirchhoff-Love hypothesis, which does not take into account the interlayer and lateral shifts characteristic of composite materials. Application of finite elements method to solve the problems on orthotropic shells of composites, weakened by several holes is reported within the improved theory of Timoshenko type. A numerical algorithm has been developed using the finite element method and a software package has been implemented on a computer that makes it possible to solve problems of stress concentration near two apertures in shells of composite materials. Shearing parameter has been studied for its influence on stress concentration near two circular holes internal pressure for orthotropic spherical shells. Specific results are presented for the cases of large and small holes, taking into account the rigidity of the reinforcing elements. Thus, this software package can be applied to the calculation of the elements of shell structures from orthotropic composite materials weakened by several holes.
Methods of calculating shell structures from composite materials and studying the concentration of strains near the holes are devoted to a rather large number of works. However, most of the research was carried out within the framework of the classical Kirchhoff-Love hypothesis, which does not take into account the interlayer and lateral shifts characteristic of composite materials. Application of finite elements method to solve the problems on orthotropic shells of composites, weakened by several holes is reported within the improved theory of Timoshenko type. A numerical algorithm has been developed using the finite element method and a software package has been implemented on a computer that makes it possible to solve problems of stress concentration near two apertures in shells of composite materials. Shearing parameter has been studied for its influence on stress concentration near two circular holes internal pressure for orthotropic spherical shells. Specific results are presented for the cases of large and small holes, taking into account the rigidity of the reinforcing elements. Thus, this software package can be applied to the calculation of the elements of shell structures from orthotropic composite materials weakened by several holes.