Моделирование движения каверн, приводяших к пульсации потока
- № 4 (52) 2019
Язык: русский
В гидротехнических сооружениях одним из основных реальных угроз безопасности является кавитация и пульсация потока. Одним из основных вопросов является сохранения гидротехнических сооружений от угроз вибрации гидросооружений, появления который является пульсации потока и кавитация. Кавитация потока происходить из- появления каверн и является реальной угрозой всего потока. Данной статье рассматривается зарождения и формирования каверн перерастающей в кавитацию. Как известно в реальных течениях поверхность развитой каверны деформируется из-за действия таких факторов, как весомость жидкости, наличие подъемной силы на кавитаторе, отличие формы кавитатора от круговой, наличие границ раздела, влияние капиллярных сил, особые случаи обтекания кавитатора и другие условия.
Гидротехник тузилма хавфсизликка асосий хаётий тахдидлардан бири кавитация ва оким пулсацияланиши хисобланади. Асосий масалалардан бири гидравлик тузилмаларни уларнинг тебраниш хавфидан, яъни окимни пулсацияланиш ва кавитациядан химоя килишдир. Окимнинг кавитацияси — бу Fорларнинг пайдо булиши булиб, бутун оким учун хакикий хавф туFдиради. Ушбу маколада кавитацияга айланадиган Fорларнинг келиб чикиши ва шаклланиши урганилади. Хакикий окимларда яхши маълумки, ривожланган бушликнинг сирти суюкликнинг OFирлиги, Fорда кутариш кучининг мавжудлиги, Fор ва думалок шаклининг фаркланиши, интерфейсларнинг мавжудлиги, капилляр кучларнинг таъсири, Fорлар атрофидаги окимларнинг махсус холлари ва бошка шароитлар таъсири туфайли бузилади.
In hydraulic structures, one of the main real threats to safety is cavitation and flow pulsation. One of the main issues is the preservation of hydraulic structures from the threat of vibration of hydraulic structures, the appearance of which is flow pulsations and cavitation. Cavitation of the flow occurs the emergence of caverns and is a real threat to the entire flow. In this article discussed the origin and formation of cavities growing into cavitation. As is well known in real currents, the surface of a developed cavity is deformed due to the action of such factors as fluid weight, the presence of lifting force on the cavitator, the difference between the shape of the cavitator and the circular, the presence of interfaces, the effect of capillary forces, special cases of flow around the cavitator and other conditions. There is a fairly wide class of axisymmetric and close flows, which can be studied theoretically quite fully using the methods of hydrodynamic features and integral equations, the methods of the theory of small perturbations and the fundamentals of hydrodynamics of thin bodies. Such, for example, are developed cavitation flows of ideal weightless and significant liquids arising behind cavity-forming bodies, the breakdown sections of which are circular or close to circular. When considering these problems, one can obtain sufficiently reliable theoretical results that allow one to more fully reveal the laws of behavior of the free boundaries of flows. From observations and numerical experiments, it is known that, under the influence of various perturbing factors, the initially axisymmetric cavity is flattened, and its cross sections become oval-shaped.
Гидротехник тузилма хавфсизликка асосий хаётий тахдидлардан бири кавитация ва оким пулсацияланиши хисобланади. Асосий масалалардан бири гидравлик тузилмаларни уларнинг тебраниш хавфидан, яъни окимни пулсацияланиш ва кавитациядан химоя килишдир. Окимнинг кавитацияси — бу Fорларнинг пайдо булиши булиб, бутун оким учун хакикий хавф туFдиради. Ушбу маколада кавитацияга айланадиган Fорларнинг келиб чикиши ва шаклланиши урганилади. Хакикий окимларда яхши маълумки, ривожланган бушликнинг сирти суюкликнинг OFирлиги, Fорда кутариш кучининг мавжудлиги, Fор ва думалок шаклининг фаркланиши, интерфейсларнинг мавжудлиги, капилляр кучларнинг таъсири, Fорлар атрофидаги окимларнинг махсус холлари ва бошка шароитлар таъсири туфайли бузилади.
In hydraulic structures, one of the main real threats to safety is cavitation and flow pulsation. One of the main issues is the preservation of hydraulic structures from the threat of vibration of hydraulic structures, the appearance of which is flow pulsations and cavitation. Cavitation of the flow occurs the emergence of caverns and is a real threat to the entire flow. In this article discussed the origin and formation of cavities growing into cavitation. As is well known in real currents, the surface of a developed cavity is deformed due to the action of such factors as fluid weight, the presence of lifting force on the cavitator, the difference between the shape of the cavitator and the circular, the presence of interfaces, the effect of capillary forces, special cases of flow around the cavitator and other conditions. There is a fairly wide class of axisymmetric and close flows, which can be studied theoretically quite fully using the methods of hydrodynamic features and integral equations, the methods of the theory of small perturbations and the fundamentals of hydrodynamics of thin bodies. Such, for example, are developed cavitation flows of ideal weightless and significant liquids arising behind cavity-forming bodies, the breakdown sections of which are circular or close to circular. When considering these problems, one can obtain sufficiently reliable theoretical results that allow one to more fully reveal the laws of behavior of the free boundaries of flows. From observations and numerical experiments, it is known that, under the influence of various perturbing factors, the initially axisymmetric cavity is flattened, and its cross sections become oval-shaped.