Модель движения мультироторного летательного аппарата
- № 1 (49) 2019
Язык: русский
В работе предложено использование математической модели гексакоптера при построении системы управления. Беспилотный летательный аппарат рассматривается как объект управления, для которого необходимо решить задачу управления двигателями.
Ushbu maqolada nazorat qilish tizimini qurishda hexakopter matematik modelini qo’llash tavsiya etilgan. Uchuvchisiz havo vositasi yo’nalishni qurishda moslashtirilgan vazifani hal qilish zarur bo’lgan nazorat obyekti sifatida qaraladi.
The use of the hexacopter mathematical model in the construction of a control system is proposed in this paper. An unmanned aerial vehicle is considered as a control object, for which it is necessary to solve the adaptation task when constructing a route. The aim of the research in this paper is to optimize the control of the UAV when moving to the target based on the mathematical model of a multi-rotor aircraft. This is due to the peculiarities of the movement of the multi-rotor UAV under various disturbing influences.Multicopter (hexacopter) is described in sufficient detail in the literature. The position and orientation of the hexacopter in the earth’s coordinate system are determined by the three coordinates x, y, z and the three Euler angles. The positive directions of all turns correspond to counterclockwise rotation, along the axis of rotation to the origin. Based on the satellite navigation sensor data at the first stage, the initial and of course the state of the object are initiated, which will correspond to the required maneuver. The UAV route in the analytical form of the solution to the problem of finding the optimal speed control is based on the Pontryagin maximum principle. An alternative could be the extensive reversal method based on the Euler theorem on the final rotation of a rigid body having a fixed point.
Ushbu maqolada nazorat qilish tizimini qurishda hexakopter matematik modelini qo’llash tavsiya etilgan. Uchuvchisiz havo vositasi yo’nalishni qurishda moslashtirilgan vazifani hal qilish zarur bo’lgan nazorat obyekti sifatida qaraladi.
The use of the hexacopter mathematical model in the construction of a control system is proposed in this paper. An unmanned aerial vehicle is considered as a control object, for which it is necessary to solve the adaptation task when constructing a route. The aim of the research in this paper is to optimize the control of the UAV when moving to the target based on the mathematical model of a multi-rotor aircraft. This is due to the peculiarities of the movement of the multi-rotor UAV under various disturbing influences.Multicopter (hexacopter) is described in sufficient detail in the literature. The position and orientation of the hexacopter in the earth’s coordinate system are determined by the three coordinates x, y, z and the three Euler angles. The positive directions of all turns correspond to counterclockwise rotation, along the axis of rotation to the origin. Based on the satellite navigation sensor data at the first stage, the initial and of course the state of the object are initiated, which will correspond to the required maneuver. The UAV route in the analytical form of the solution to the problem of finding the optimal speed control is based on the Pontryagin maximum principle. An alternative could be the extensive reversal method based on the Euler theorem on the final rotation of a rigid body having a fixed point.