Компьютерное моделирование сложного технологического процесса сепарирования сыпучих смесей
- № 2(8) 2017
Язык: узбекский
Обоснована актуальность решения задачи нестационарного технологического процесса сепарирования и
сортирования сыпучих смесей, которые задействованы при приготовлении, обработке и производстве
продуктов питания, очистке и обработке горно-обогатительных пород, извлечении из сырья выщелоченных
дорогостоящих металлов, выборе биологически полноценных семян различных сельскохозяйственных культур
и т.д. В работе разработаны математическая модель и численный алгоритм для решения задачи
технологического процесса сепарирования сыпучих смесей на плоских виброрешетках. Разработана нелинейная
математическая модель на основе уравнения Навье-Стокса с учетом силы вибрации для определения скорости
движения частиц по горизонтали и вертикали на плоской виброрешетке, и усовершенствована математическая
модель для определения изменения концентрации сыпучих смесей. Математическая модель решена численно с
применением методом переменных направлений. Приведены результаты проведенных численных
экспериментов на ЭВМ при задании различных режимов работы сепарирующего агрегата, а также их
интерпретации в виде графических объектов и выводы по проведенному исследованию в целом.
In the article the urgency of solving the problem of non-stationary technological process of separation and sorting of granular mixtures which are involved in the preparation, processing and food production, cleaning and processing of mining rocks, extraction of raw materials leached costly metals, selecting a biologically full of seeds of different crops etc. To solve the above problems in the work developed the mathematical model and numerical algorithm to solve the problem of technological process of separation of loose mixture in a flat vibrating screen. Developed nonlinear mathematical model based on the Navier-Stokes equation taking into account the force of the vibration to determine the speed of particle motion horizontally and vertically on a flat vibration lattice and improved mathematical model to determine changes in the concentration of the bulk mixture. The mathematical model to solved numerically applying the method of alternating directions. Also in this work, the results of numerical experiments carried out on a computer when setting various modes of operation of the separating unit, and their interpretation as graphical objects and the findings of the study as a whole.
Maqolada qishloq ho’jaligi ekinlarida ishlatiladigan turli xildagi biologik sog’lom urug’larni tanlash, xom-ashyolardan qimmatbaho metallarni ajratib olish, tog’-kon jinslarni tozalash va qayta ishlashda, oziq ovqat mahsulotlarini ishlab chiqarish va qayta ishlash va boshqalarda qo’llaniladigan sochiluvchan aralashmalarni saralash va tozalash o’zgaruvchan texnologik jarayonining masalasini yechish dolzarbligi ilmiy asoslab berilgan. Yuqorida aytib o’tilgan masalalarni hal etish uchun ushbu ishda tekis yuzali vibrog’alvirda sochiluvchan aralashmalarni tozalash texnologik jarayoni masalasini yechish uchun matematik model va sonli yechish algoritmi keltirilgan. Buning uchun tekis yuzali vibrog’alvirda aralashmadagi zarralarning gorizontal va vertical tezliklarini hisoblash uchun Nave- Stoks tenglamasi asosida vibratsiya kuchini inobatga olgan holda chiziqsiz differemsial tenglamalar tizimi ko’rinishidagi hamda aralashmaning konsentrasiyasi o’zgarishini ifodalaydigan matematik modeli yaratildi. Yaratilgan matematik model chekli ayirmali (sonli) usulda, ya’ni o’zgaruvchan yo’nalishli usul yordamida yechimi olingan. Tozalovchi agregatlarning turli ish rejimi qiymatlari uchun EHMda o’tkazilgan hisoblash tajriba natijalari va ularning qiymatlari grafik ko’rinishida keltirilgan hamda butun izlanishlarning umumiy hulosalari chiqarilgan.
In the article the urgency of solving the problem of non-stationary technological process of separation and sorting of granular mixtures which are involved in the preparation, processing and food production, cleaning and processing of mining rocks, extraction of raw materials leached costly metals, selecting a biologically full of seeds of different crops etc. To solve the above problems in the work developed the mathematical model and numerical algorithm to solve the problem of technological process of separation of loose mixture in a flat vibrating screen. Developed nonlinear mathematical model based on the Navier-Stokes equation taking into account the force of the vibration to determine the speed of particle motion horizontally and vertically on a flat vibration lattice and improved mathematical model to determine changes in the concentration of the bulk mixture. The mathematical model to solved numerically applying the method of alternating directions. Also in this work, the results of numerical experiments carried out on a computer when setting various modes of operation of the separating unit, and their interpretation as graphical objects and the findings of the study as a whole.
Maqolada qishloq ho’jaligi ekinlarida ishlatiladigan turli xildagi biologik sog’lom urug’larni tanlash, xom-ashyolardan qimmatbaho metallarni ajratib olish, tog’-kon jinslarni tozalash va qayta ishlashda, oziq ovqat mahsulotlarini ishlab chiqarish va qayta ishlash va boshqalarda qo’llaniladigan sochiluvchan aralashmalarni saralash va tozalash o’zgaruvchan texnologik jarayonining masalasini yechish dolzarbligi ilmiy asoslab berilgan. Yuqorida aytib o’tilgan masalalarni hal etish uchun ushbu ishda tekis yuzali vibrog’alvirda sochiluvchan aralashmalarni tozalash texnologik jarayoni masalasini yechish uchun matematik model va sonli yechish algoritmi keltirilgan. Buning uchun tekis yuzali vibrog’alvirda aralashmadagi zarralarning gorizontal va vertical tezliklarini hisoblash uchun Nave- Stoks tenglamasi asosida vibratsiya kuchini inobatga olgan holda chiziqsiz differemsial tenglamalar tizimi ko’rinishidagi hamda aralashmaning konsentrasiyasi o’zgarishini ifodalaydigan matematik modeli yaratildi. Yaratilgan matematik model chekli ayirmali (sonli) usulda, ya’ni o’zgaruvchan yo’nalishli usul yordamida yechimi olingan. Tozalovchi agregatlarning turli ish rejimi qiymatlari uchun EHMda o’tkazilgan hisoblash tajriba natijalari va ularning qiymatlari grafik ko’rinishida keltirilgan hamda butun izlanishlarning umumiy hulosalari chiqarilgan.