К вопросу об исторических ценностях и традициях в национальном самосознании
- № 1(57) 2019
Язык: русский
Раскрыта важность в воспитании молодежи активизации научно-исследовательских работ, в частности в сфере археологии и искусствознания, пропаганды наследия великих ученых прошлого, организации специального телеканала и специальных телепередач на исторические темы, популяризации исторических памятников и музеев.
The author unveils the importance, in nurturing young people, of the intensification of research works, in particular in the field of archeology and art history, of the popularization of the heritage of great scientists of the past, of the establishment of a special television channel and special television programs on history topics, promotion og historical monuments and museums.
The author unveils the importance, in nurturing young people, of the intensification of research works, in particular in the field of archeology and art history, of the popularization of the heritage of great scientists of the past, of the establishment of a special television channel and special television programs on history topics, promotion og historical monuments and museums.