К вопросу об исследовании социально- психологических проблем менеджмента и суицида в республике Каракалпакстан
- № 2 (99) 2021
Язык: русский
В статье на примере Республики Каракалпакстан исследуется проблема социально-психологических особенностей личности руководителя, непосредственно и опосредовано влияющих в комплексе на рост случаев и профилактику суицида. Выявлена корреляционная связь между менеджментом и суицидом. Проанализированы личностные качества руководителя, стиль управления, влияющие на психологический климат коллективе, и, как следствие, на вероятность появления случаев суицида.По результатам исследования приводятся выводы и конкретные предложения.
Maqolada Qoraqalpogʼiston Respublikasi misolida suitsid holatlarni oshishi va oldini olishiga bevosita va bilvosita taʼsir koʼrsatuvchi rahbar shaxsining ijtimoiy-psixologik hususiyatlari muammosi tadqiq qilingan.Menejment va suitsid oʼrtasida korrelyatsiya bogʼlanishi aniqlangan. Jamoadagi psixologik muhitga va natijada suitsid hollarni paydo boʼlish ehtimoliga taʼsir etuvchi rahbar shaxsining xislatlari, boshqaruv usullari tahlil qilingan. Tadqiqot natijalariga asosan xulosa va aniq takliflar kiritilgan.
The article uses the example of the Republic of Karakalpakstan to study the problem of sociopsychological characteristics of the personality of the head, which directly and indirectly affect the growth of cases and prevention of suicide. The correlation between management and suicide is revealed. The author analyzes the personal qualities of the manager, the management style that affect the psychological climate of the team, and, as a result,the likelihood of suicide. Based on the results of the study, conclusions and specific proposals are presented.
Maqolada Qoraqalpogʼiston Respublikasi misolida suitsid holatlarni oshishi va oldini olishiga bevosita va bilvosita taʼsir koʼrsatuvchi rahbar shaxsining ijtimoiy-psixologik hususiyatlari muammosi tadqiq qilingan.Menejment va suitsid oʼrtasida korrelyatsiya bogʼlanishi aniqlangan. Jamoadagi psixologik muhitga va natijada suitsid hollarni paydo boʼlish ehtimoliga taʼsir etuvchi rahbar shaxsining xislatlari, boshqaruv usullari tahlil qilingan. Tadqiqot natijalariga asosan xulosa va aniq takliflar kiritilgan.
The article uses the example of the Republic of Karakalpakstan to study the problem of sociopsychological characteristics of the personality of the head, which directly and indirectly affect the growth of cases and prevention of suicide. The correlation between management and suicide is revealed. The author analyzes the personal qualities of the manager, the management style that affect the psychological climate of the team, and, as a result,the likelihood of suicide. Based on the results of the study, conclusions and specific proposals are presented.