К вопросу изучения специфики проявления просветительских идей в центральной азии
- № 1 (1) 2019
Язык: русский
В статье рассматривается специфика проявления просветительских идей в художественной литературе Центральной Азии. Автор считает, что, исходя из современных научно-исследовательских данных, необходим новый подход к изучению данного духовного феномена в Центральной Азии. Под этим углом зрения автор в данной статье ставит вопрос о глубоком изучении просветительства в новых условиях в Узбекистане. Цель работы: является определение специфику проявления просветительских идей в художественной литературе Центральной Азии в XIX — начале XX века. Задачи исследования: определить актуальных проблем изучения просветительских идей на основе первоисточников, издания на русском и узбекском языках трудов мыслителей и поэтов прошлого узбекского народа; определить специфической природы просветительства в системе духовной культуры узбекского народа; показать взаимосвязь просветительских идей в узбекской культуре с просветительскими идеями мусульманской культуры в целом; определить отношение узбекских просветителей к науке и научному достижению других народов; показать круг социально-философских, эстетических идей и их взаимосвязь с просветительскими идеями в творчестве просветителей; практическая значимость исследования заключаются в следующем: основные положения и выводы работы дают возможность понять сущность и характер просветительских процессов, которые происходили в узбекской классической литературе и в литературе нового времени. Результаты исследования способствуют более правильному и объективному
пониманию творчества классиков узбекской литературы; содержание и теоретические выводы работы могут быть использованы при написании обобщающих научных трудов по истории философской, нравственной и эстетической культуры узбекского народа, а также в процессе работы по духовному совершенствованию подрастающего поколения.
Maqolada Markaziy Osiyo badiiy adabiyotining ta’limiy fikrlar xususiyati o‘rganiladi. Avtorning fikricha, zamonaviy ilmiy tadqiqotlar natijasiga ko‘ra, Markaziy Osiyoning ushbu ma’naviy fenomeniga yangicha yondashuv talab etiladi.Muallifning ushbu nuqtayi nazaridan, maqolada O‘zbekistondagi yangi sharoitda maorifni chuqur o‘rganish to‘g‘risidagi savol o‘rtaga qo‘yiladi. Ishning maqsadi: XIX asr oxiri-XX asr boshlarida Markaziy Osiyoda badiiy adabiyotida ma’rifatchilik va falsafiy g‘oyalarning namoyon bo‘lish fenomenini aniqlash; Markaziy Osiyo mutafakkirlari, adiblari, shoirlarining o‘zbek va rus tillarida nashr etilgan badiiy asarlarida qanday ijtimoiy, axloqiy,ma’rifiy masalalar ko‘tarilganini birinchi manbalar asosida aniqlash; O‘zbek xalqi ma’naviy madaniyati tizimida ma’rifatchilikning o‘ziga xos tabiatini aniqlash; O‘zbekiston xalqi madaniyatidagi ma’rifatchilik g‘oyalarining musulmon xalqlar madaniyati bilan aloqadorligini ko‘rsatish; O‘zbek ma’rifatchilarining boshqa xalqlarning ilmfanlaridagi muvaffaqiyatlariga munosabatini aniqlash; O‘zbek ma’rifatchilari ijodidagi ijtimoiy-falsafiy, estetik g‘oyalar doirasining jahon adabiyotidagi ma’rifatchilik g‘oyalari bilan o‘zaro aloqalarini ko‘rsatish. ishning ilmiy-amaliy ahamiyati: tadqiqot ishida ko‘rib chiqilgan mumtoz va yangi badiiy asarlarda qo‘yilgan ma’rifatchilik g‘oyalari va ular haqidagi ilmiy xulosalar hozirgi o‘zbek badiiy adabiyotining rivojlanish uchun ham xizmat qiladi; XX asr boshlaridagi o‘zbek mumtoz adabiyoti fani o‘qitilayotganda ma’rifatchilik davri adabiyot haqida chuqurroq bilimlar berishga xizmat qiladi; tadqiqot natijalari, badiiy asarlar tahlili o‘zbek adabiyoti vakillari ijodini, asarlarini xolis, obyektiv va chuqurr oq tushunishga yordam beradi; ish mazmuni va nazariy xulosalardan o‘zbek adabiyoti, falasafasi, axloqshunosligi va estetik madaniyati sohalarida yangi ilmiy tadqiqotlar yozishda foydalanish mumkin; ishda bajarilgan jadid ma’rifatchilari asarlarining tahlili yosh avlodning ma’naviy kamol topishiga xizmat qiladi;
The article discusses the specifics of the manifestation of enlightenment ideas in Central Asian fiction. The author believes that, on the basis of modern scientific research data, a new approach is needed to study this spiritual phenomenon in Central Asia. From this point of view, the author in this article raises the question of the deep study of enlightenment in the new conditions in Uzbekistan. The purpose of the work: is to determine the specifics of the manifestation of educational ideas in the fiction of Central Asia in the XIX — early XX century. Objectives of the research: to determine the actual problems of studying educational ideas on the basis of primary sources, publishing in Russian and Uzbek languages the works of thinkers and poets of the past Uzbek people; to determine the specific nature of enlightenment in the system of spiritual culture of the Uzbek people; show the relationship of educational ideas in the Uzbek culture with the educational ideas of Muslim culture in general; to determine the attitude of the Uzbek enlighteners to the science and scientific achievement of other nations; show the range of socio-philosophical, aesthetic ideas and their relationship with educational ideas in the works of enlighteners; The practical significance of the study is as follows: the main points and conclusions of the work make it possible to understand the essence and nature of the educational processes that took place in the Uzbek classical literature and in the literature of the new time. The research results contribute to a more correct and objective understanding of the work of the classics of Uzbek literature; the content and theoretical conclusions of the work can be used in writing generalizing scientific works on the history of the philosophical, moral and aesthetic culture of the Uzbek people, as well as in the process of spiritual improvement of the younger generation.
Maqolada Markaziy Osiyo badiiy adabiyotining ta’limiy fikrlar xususiyati o‘rganiladi. Avtorning fikricha, zamonaviy ilmiy tadqiqotlar natijasiga ko‘ra, Markaziy Osiyoning ushbu ma’naviy fenomeniga yangicha yondashuv talab etiladi.Muallifning ushbu nuqtayi nazaridan, maqolada O‘zbekistondagi yangi sharoitda maorifni chuqur o‘rganish to‘g‘risidagi savol o‘rtaga qo‘yiladi. Ishning maqsadi: XIX asr oxiri-XX asr boshlarida Markaziy Osiyoda badiiy adabiyotida ma’rifatchilik va falsafiy g‘oyalarning namoyon bo‘lish fenomenini aniqlash; Markaziy Osiyo mutafakkirlari, adiblari, shoirlarining o‘zbek va rus tillarida nashr etilgan badiiy asarlarida qanday ijtimoiy, axloqiy,ma’rifiy masalalar ko‘tarilganini birinchi manbalar asosida aniqlash; O‘zbek xalqi ma’naviy madaniyati tizimida ma’rifatchilikning o‘ziga xos tabiatini aniqlash; O‘zbekiston xalqi madaniyatidagi ma’rifatchilik g‘oyalarining musulmon xalqlar madaniyati bilan aloqadorligini ko‘rsatish; O‘zbek ma’rifatchilarining boshqa xalqlarning ilmfanlaridagi muvaffaqiyatlariga munosabatini aniqlash; O‘zbek ma’rifatchilari ijodidagi ijtimoiy-falsafiy, estetik g‘oyalar doirasining jahon adabiyotidagi ma’rifatchilik g‘oyalari bilan o‘zaro aloqalarini ko‘rsatish. ishning ilmiy-amaliy ahamiyati: tadqiqot ishida ko‘rib chiqilgan mumtoz va yangi badiiy asarlarda qo‘yilgan ma’rifatchilik g‘oyalari va ular haqidagi ilmiy xulosalar hozirgi o‘zbek badiiy adabiyotining rivojlanish uchun ham xizmat qiladi; XX asr boshlaridagi o‘zbek mumtoz adabiyoti fani o‘qitilayotganda ma’rifatchilik davri adabiyot haqida chuqurroq bilimlar berishga xizmat qiladi; tadqiqot natijalari, badiiy asarlar tahlili o‘zbek adabiyoti vakillari ijodini, asarlarini xolis, obyektiv va chuqurr oq tushunishga yordam beradi; ish mazmuni va nazariy xulosalardan o‘zbek adabiyoti, falasafasi, axloqshunosligi va estetik madaniyati sohalarida yangi ilmiy tadqiqotlar yozishda foydalanish mumkin; ishda bajarilgan jadid ma’rifatchilari asarlarining tahlili yosh avlodning ma’naviy kamol topishiga xizmat qiladi;
The article discusses the specifics of the manifestation of enlightenment ideas in Central Asian fiction. The author believes that, on the basis of modern scientific research data, a new approach is needed to study this spiritual phenomenon in Central Asia. From this point of view, the author in this article raises the question of the deep study of enlightenment in the new conditions in Uzbekistan. The purpose of the work: is to determine the specifics of the manifestation of educational ideas in the fiction of Central Asia in the XIX — early XX century. Objectives of the research: to determine the actual problems of studying educational ideas on the basis of primary sources, publishing in Russian and Uzbek languages the works of thinkers and poets of the past Uzbek people; to determine the specific nature of enlightenment in the system of spiritual culture of the Uzbek people; show the relationship of educational ideas in the Uzbek culture with the educational ideas of Muslim culture in general; to determine the attitude of the Uzbek enlighteners to the science and scientific achievement of other nations; show the range of socio-philosophical, aesthetic ideas and their relationship with educational ideas in the works of enlighteners; The practical significance of the study is as follows: the main points and conclusions of the work make it possible to understand the essence and nature of the educational processes that took place in the Uzbek classical literature and in the literature of the new time. The research results contribute to a more correct and objective understanding of the work of the classics of Uzbek literature; the content and theoretical conclusions of the work can be used in writing generalizing scientific works on the history of the philosophical, moral and aesthetic culture of the Uzbek people, as well as in the process of spiritual improvement of the younger generation.