Исследование существования и единственности решения задачи переноса и диффузии аэрозольных частиц в атмосфере
- № 1(7) 2017
Язык: русский
Обсуждается решение задачи мониторинга и прогнозирования экологического состояния промышленных
регионов, где имеет место нарушение баланса санитарной нормы окружающей среды вследствие большого
количества выбросов вредных мелкодисперсных аэрозольных частиц и углекислых газов. Приведена
математическая модель процесса переноса и диффузии загрязняющих веществ, выброшенных в окружающую
среду из производственных объектов. Указаны основные параметры, которые играют существенную роль в
процессе переноса и диффузии вредных веществ в атмосфере: скорость ветра и его направления; рельеф
местности; коэффициент поглощения вредных аэрозольных мелкодисперсных частиц в атмосфере и т.д.
Доказано существование единственности решения задачи переноса и диффузии аэрозольных частиц в
атмосферу. С целью проведения вычислительного эксперимента на реальных данных для заданной территории
и в текущий момент времени разработаны программные интерфейсы для коммуникации с
геоинформационными и погодными веб-службами (Weather Underground, World Weather Online,
OpenWeatherMap) и программные модули для создания рельефных карт различной степени детализации
(SRTM). На основе реальных погодно-климатических факторов и с учетом орографии поверхности
рассматриваемого региона проведены вычислительные эксперименты на ЭВМ, результаты которых приведены
в виде двумерных и трехмерных графических объектов. Также приведены интерпретация результатов и выводы
по проведенному исследованию в целом.
The article discusses the solution of the problem of monitoring and forecasting the environmental conditions of industrial regions, where the balance of the sanitary norms of the environment is broken by the large amounts of emission of fine aerosol particles and carbon dioxide. Mathematical model of the transfer and diffusion process of polluting substances, which are ejected into environment from manufacturing entities, is given. Main parameters, which play essential role in the process of transfer and diffusion of harmful substances in the atmosphere, are indicated: wind speed and its direction; relief of the land; coefficient of absorption of harmful fine aerosol particles in the atmosphere, etc. The existence of the uniqueness of the solution of the transfer and diffusion problem to the atmosphere is proved. By conducting the computational experiment in different data for the given area and at the current time, programming interfaces for communicating with web services of geo information and weather (Weather Underground, World Weather Online, OpenWeatherMap) and software modules for creation relief maps of different levels of detail (SRTM) are developed. Computational experiments on the computer are conducted based on the real weather and climatic factors and considering the surface orography of the concerned region, results of them are shown in the form of two and three dimensional graphical objects. Interpretation of the results and conclusions of provided research is also given.
Maqolada zararli kichik dispеrsiyali aerozol zarralari va karbonat angidrid gazlarining ko’p miqdorda tashlanishi natijasida atrof-muhit sanitar holatlari muvozanati buziladigan joylarda joylashgan sanoat hududlarini ekologik holatini bashoratlash va monitoring qilish masalasining yechilishi muhokama qilingan. Ishlab chiqarish ob`yеktlaridan atrofmuhitga tashlanayotgan ifloslantiruvchi moddalarning ko’chishi va diffuziyasi jarayonining matеmatik modеli kеltirilgan. Atmosfеrada zararli moddalarning ko’chishi va diffuziyasi jarayonida sеzilarli rol o’ynovchi asosiy paramеrtlar: shamol tеzligi va yo’nalishi; hudud rеlеfi; atmosfеraga kichik dispеrsiyali zararli zarralarning singish koeffitsiеnti va h.k.lar ko’rsatilgan. Atmosfеrada aerozol zarralarning ko’chishi va diffuziyasi masalasining yechimini mavjudligi va yagonaligi isbotlangan. Berilgan hudud va xozirgi joriy vaqtda real ma’lumotlar asosida hisoblash tajribalarini o’tkazish maqsadida geoinformatsion va ob-havo web-xizmatlari (Weather Underground, World Weather Online, OpenWeatherMap) bilan bog’lanish uchun dasturiy interfeys yaratilgan hamda turli darajadagi belgilangan relf haritasini (SRTM) yaratish uchun dasturiy modullar yaratilgan. Qaralayotgan hudud yuzasi orografiyasini inobatga olgan holda va real ob-havo iqlimi omillari asosida EHMda hisoblash tajribalari o’tkazilgan hamda natijalar ikki va uch o’lchovli grafik ob’yektlar ko’rinishda keltirilgan. Bulardan tashqari, hisoblash natijalari izohlangan va o’tkazilgan izlanishlarning to’liq xulosalari keltirilgan
The article discusses the solution of the problem of monitoring and forecasting the environmental conditions of industrial regions, where the balance of the sanitary norms of the environment is broken by the large amounts of emission of fine aerosol particles and carbon dioxide. Mathematical model of the transfer and diffusion process of polluting substances, which are ejected into environment from manufacturing entities, is given. Main parameters, which play essential role in the process of transfer and diffusion of harmful substances in the atmosphere, are indicated: wind speed and its direction; relief of the land; coefficient of absorption of harmful fine aerosol particles in the atmosphere, etc. The existence of the uniqueness of the solution of the transfer and diffusion problem to the atmosphere is proved. By conducting the computational experiment in different data for the given area and at the current time, programming interfaces for communicating with web services of geo information and weather (Weather Underground, World Weather Online, OpenWeatherMap) and software modules for creation relief maps of different levels of detail (SRTM) are developed. Computational experiments on the computer are conducted based on the real weather and climatic factors and considering the surface orography of the concerned region, results of them are shown in the form of two and three dimensional graphical objects. Interpretation of the results and conclusions of provided research is also given.
Maqolada zararli kichik dispеrsiyali aerozol zarralari va karbonat angidrid gazlarining ko’p miqdorda tashlanishi natijasida atrof-muhit sanitar holatlari muvozanati buziladigan joylarda joylashgan sanoat hududlarini ekologik holatini bashoratlash va monitoring qilish masalasining yechilishi muhokama qilingan. Ishlab chiqarish ob`yеktlaridan atrofmuhitga tashlanayotgan ifloslantiruvchi moddalarning ko’chishi va diffuziyasi jarayonining matеmatik modеli kеltirilgan. Atmosfеrada zararli moddalarning ko’chishi va diffuziyasi jarayonida sеzilarli rol o’ynovchi asosiy paramеrtlar: shamol tеzligi va yo’nalishi; hudud rеlеfi; atmosfеraga kichik dispеrsiyali zararli zarralarning singish koeffitsiеnti va h.k.lar ko’rsatilgan. Atmosfеrada aerozol zarralarning ko’chishi va diffuziyasi masalasining yechimini mavjudligi va yagonaligi isbotlangan. Berilgan hudud va xozirgi joriy vaqtda real ma’lumotlar asosida hisoblash tajribalarini o’tkazish maqsadida geoinformatsion va ob-havo web-xizmatlari (Weather Underground, World Weather Online, OpenWeatherMap) bilan bog’lanish uchun dasturiy interfeys yaratilgan hamda turli darajadagi belgilangan relf haritasini (SRTM) yaratish uchun dasturiy modullar yaratilgan. Qaralayotgan hudud yuzasi orografiyasini inobatga olgan holda va real ob-havo iqlimi omillari asosida EHMda hisoblash tajribalari o’tkazilgan hamda natijalar ikki va uch o’lchovli grafik ob’yektlar ko’rinishda keltirilgan. Bulardan tashqari, hisoblash natijalari izohlangan va o’tkazilgan izlanishlarning to’liq xulosalari keltirilgan