Bulletin of the International institute for Central Asian studies

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Voyakin D.
25 years of IICAS, 15 years of the journal Bulletin of IICAS
Muradov R.
Editor’s Preface
Avanesova N., Kasparov A.
The Era of the Zeravshan Paleometal: The Interaction of Two Polar Systems
Bogomolov G.
On the Issue of Zurvanism in Sughd
Nazilov D.
Compositions of Zoroastrian Fire Altars of Sassanian Iran (by Coin Images)
O'Kane B.
From Atelier Floor to Monument Wall: How Were Tiles Placed Correctly?
Ulko А.
«Uzbek is the Language for Uzbeks»: Why There are Problems in Uzbekistan with the State Language?
Chukhovich B.
«National Art» and «Non-national Artists»: On the Exclusivity of the «Inclusive» terms of Soviet Aesthetics
“Masters” and “Natives”. Digging the Others’ Past
Muradov R.
Shakh-i-Zinda: A Thousand-year Life of a Shrine
Gorshenina S.
The Archive of Galina Pugachenkova in the Public Domain
Yerzhigitova А., Yatsenko S.
Erbolat Smagulov: Contribution to Archeology
Amanbaeva B., Ilyasova S.
For the Anniversary of Valentina Dmitrievna Goryacheva
Abbasova-Yusupova M.
Lidia Lvovna Rtveladze: Archaeologist, Historian, Archivist
Ezizova Y.
Kuvandyk Poladov (1956-2019)
Amanbaeva B.
Mikhail Nikolaevich Fedorov (1937-2020)
Zhuldyzbek A,, Krupko I.
The historical context for the problems of Modernization of the public consciousness and Cultural memory for Кazakhstani societyа
Bogomolov G., Khushvakov N.
The nakhsheb plaque with masks
Krupa T.
Long-pile weaving (kots-weaving) of sloboda Ukraine as a heritage of the great steppe
Miloserdov D.
Axes and maces in the central asian khanates During the 19th and early 20th century: Weapons and symbols of power
Stewart CH.A.
The four-petal almond rosette In Central Asia
Abdullayev B.
Some remarks on the issue Of the ancient ferghana state and its capital
Fedchenko O.
The list of the ermanaric peoples: Following the route of Alexander the great
Muradov R.
The architecture of Merv and Khorezm In the research of Vladimir Pilyavsky
Gyul E.
Sogdian silk: myth or reality
Starodub T.
The origins of the visual arts In the islamic world
Khazbulatov A., Shaigozova Zh.
the ethnocultural features in the Artistic style of late medieval pottery From the kultobe
Atanova S.
“Imagined community” And turkmen artisanry: a day in the Altyn asyr bazaar
Meuser Ph., Khmelnitsky D.
The three epochs of soviet architecture In central asia
Zilivinskaya E.
New research on golden horde Era mausoleums
Miloserdov D.
Where does the search For ethnic indicators lead
Rajabova D.
a Review By N. I. Veselovskyas a model Of historical criticism of a textual source
Dubova N.
Sergey Demidov: Sketches of an ethnographer’s portrait
Levteyeva L.
Lyudmila Zhukova –collector of facts
Аманбаева Б.
In memory of yerbulat smagulov
Guliev A.
Practical field scientist and research theorist
Zilivinskaya E.
My friend yerbulat smagulov
Krupa Т.
It isn’t true that friend is die
Vir Singh Sh.
Yerbulat: born under the sign of the sun!
Zilivinskaya E.
The features and layout of a building In the otrar oasis
Ilyasov J.
The “kangar pottery» from the settlement Of karshovultepa in chach
Iskanderova А., Sultanova M.
Fine ware pottery of the khwarazmshah period (12th — early 13th centuries)