Ўзбекистонда таълим ривожи ва унда ёшларнинг маънавий Мафкуравий тарбияси
Ушбу мақолада узлуксиз таълимнинг муҳим босқичларидан бири олий таълим тизимидаги ёшларнинг маънавий ва мафкуравий тарбиясига бағишланган бўлиб, етакчи давлатларнинг бу борадаги тажрибаси, самарали ва таъсирчан усуллари тахлили келтирилган.
One of the important steps in this article is devoted to the spiritual and ideological education of young people in the system of higher education, and an analysis of the experience,effective and effective approaches of leading countries.
One of the important steps in this article is devoted to the spiritual and ideological education of young people in the system of higher education, and an analysis of the experience,effective and effective approaches of leading countries.