XXI аср медиа мухитида мамлакат имижини шакллантириш масалалари
- № 3 2018
Язык: узбекский
В статье рассматривается вопрос, связанный с медиа имиджем независимого Узбекистана в национальных и зарубежных средствах массовой информации. Изучаются взгляды, тенденции, подходы и принципы имиджа страны в национальных и зарубежных средствах массовой информации в годы независимости. Уточняются критерии создания и формирования медиа имиджа страны; усовершенствованы по историческим, социальным, политическим, культурно-просветительским критериям на основе устойчивой константы. На основе дифференциального подхода определены перспективы развития медиа имиджа страны и условия адаптации согласно конструктивному механизму. Материалы СМИ по формированию медиа имиджа Узбекистана сгруппированы с помощью сопоставительного анализа с аналогичными примерами стран Запада, Азии и СНГ. При учете таких национальных, религиозных и экономических особенностей, как «столица исламской культуры», «колыбель древней цивилизации», «небесные ворота», «новый промышленный центр», а также на основе концептуального подхода, определена своеобразность «регионального имиджа» в условиях Узбекистана.
The article deals with the issue related to the media image of independent Uzbekistan in national and foreign media. The views, tendencies, approaches and princi ples of the country’s image in national and foreign media in the years of independence were studied. On the basis of a stable constant the historical, social, political, cultural and educational criteria for creating and forming a media image of the country are being clarified. On the basis of differential approach the perspectives, the development of the country’s media image and the conditions for adaptation are determined according to the constructive mechanism. National and foreign media materials on the formation of the media image of Uzbekistan are grouped by means of a sapostatic analysis with similar examples from the countries of the West, Asia and the CIS; On the basis of conceptual approach, the peculiarity of the regional image in the conditions of Uzbekistan is determined, and also taking into account national, religious and economic characteristics such as the capital of Islamic culture, the cradle of the ancient civilization, the heavenly gate, and the new industrial center.
The article deals with the issue related to the media image of independent Uzbekistan in national and foreign media. The views, tendencies, approaches and princi ples of the country’s image in national and foreign media in the years of independence were studied. On the basis of a stable constant the historical, social, political, cultural and educational criteria for creating and forming a media image of the country are being clarified. On the basis of differential approach the perspectives, the development of the country’s media image and the conditions for adaptation are determined according to the constructive mechanism. National and foreign media materials on the formation of the media image of Uzbekistan are grouped by means of a sapostatic analysis with similar examples from the countries of the West, Asia and the CIS; On the basis of conceptual approach, the peculiarity of the regional image in the conditions of Uzbekistan is determined, and also taking into account national, religious and economic characteristics such as the capital of Islamic culture, the cradle of the ancient civilization, the heavenly gate, and the new industrial center.