Влияние курения на секреторную активность слюнных желез
- № 4(73) 2018
Язык: русский
Бу мақола актив ва пассив чекувчиларнинг оғиз бўшлиғидаги аъзоларнинг ҳолати ва фаолиятига чекишни зарарли омилларини ўрганишга бағишланган. Бу масалани ўрганиш учун қўйидаги усуллар қўлланилган: сиалометрия,асосий ва стимулланмаган сўлак ажралиши, рН ни , буфер хоссаларни ва сўлак ёпишқоқлигини аниқлаш. Ўтқазилган тажрибаларда
сўлақ ажралиш тезлигини, рН ни ва ёпишқоқлигини ошиши кўзатилди. Пассив чекувчиларда актив чекувчиларга нисбатан бу ўзгаришлар яққол намоён бўлди. Чекиш организм гомеостазининг бузилиши омиллардан бири, шу сабабли чекишга қарши бўлган профилактик чора-тадбирларни такомилаштиришни талаб этади.
This article is devoted to the study of the harmful factor of smoking on the state of the oral organs and their functions in active and passive smokers. The following methods were used to study this problem: sialometry, determination of the rate of basic and unstimulated salivation, determination of pH, buffer properties and viscosity of saliva. Based on the studies conducted, the rate of salivation, pH of saliva and viscosity was stagnant. Passive smokers compared with active changes were more pronounced. Smoking is one of the factors affecting the homeostasis of the body, which requires the improvement of implemented preventive measures against smoking.
This article is devoted to the study of the harmful factor of smoking on the state of the oral organs and their functions in active and passive smokers. The following methods were used to study this problem: sialometry, determination of the rate of basic and unstimulated salivation, determination of pH, buffer properties and viscosity of saliva. Based on the studies conducted, the rate of salivation, pH of saliva and viscosity was stagnant. Passive smokers compared with active changes were more pronounced. Smoking is one of the factors affecting the homeostasis of the body, which requires the improvement of implemented preventive measures against smoking.