Влияние формы и положения языка на состояние зубочелюстной системы у детей
- № 4 (85) 2021
Язык: русский
При такой патологии после пластики укороченной уздечки языка, в процессе ортодонтического лечения пациентам рекомендовали заниматься лечебной гимнастикой и обучаться у логопеда.
Bunday patologiya bilan, tilning qisqartirilgan frenulumining plastik jarrohlik amaliyotidan so’ng, ortodontik davolanish jarayonida bemorlarga terapevtik mashqlarni bajarish va nutq terapevtida o’qish tavsiya etiladi.
With such a pathology, after plastic surgery of a shortened frenulum of the tongue, in the process of orthodontic treatment, patients were recommended to do therapeutic exercises and study with a speech therapist. Key words: oral cavity, tongue.
Bunday patologiya bilan, tilning qisqartirilgan frenulumining plastik jarrohlik amaliyotidan so’ng, ortodontik davolanish jarayonida bemorlarga terapevtik mashqlarni bajarish va nutq terapevtida o’qish tavsiya etiladi.
With such a pathology, after plastic surgery of a shortened frenulum of the tongue, in the process of orthodontic treatment, patients were recommended to do therapeutic exercises and study with a speech therapist. Key words: oral cavity, tongue.