Тучные клетки и гликозаминогликаны в слизистой оболочке полости рта при болезни бехчета
- № 4 2021
Язык: русский
Тучные клетки (ТК) и гликозаминогликаны (ГАГ) в различных зонах слизистой оболочки полости рта исследовано во время ремиссии и обострения болезни Бехчета (ББ) у 10 пациентов (8 мужчин и 2 женщины; средняя частота обострений в год-4,5).
Mast cells (MC) and glycosaminoglycans (GAG) in various zones of oral mucosa are investigated during remission and aggravation of Behcet disease (BD) in 10 patients (8 men and 2 women;average frequency of aggravations in a year — 4.5). Bioptats (biopsy material) of various zones of oral mucosa are investigated histochemically. The MC are identified by 0.05 percent thionine solution according to Hassanov’s prescription, as well as by GAG-PAS-reaction under the control of amylase, and by fast blue and strong garnet CBS [1]. The statistical correlation between frequency of aggravations of BD and histochemical quantitative indices of the MC and GAG is studied.
Mast cells (MC) and glycosaminoglycans (GAG) in various zones of oral mucosa are investigated during remission and aggravation of Behcet disease (BD) in 10 patients (8 men and 2 women;average frequency of aggravations in a year — 4.5). Bioptats (biopsy material) of various zones of oral mucosa are investigated histochemically. The MC are identified by 0.05 percent thionine solution according to Hassanov’s prescription, as well as by GAG-PAS-reaction under the control of amylase, and by fast blue and strong garnet CBS [1]. The statistical correlation between frequency of aggravations of BD and histochemical quantitative indices of the MC and GAG is studied.