Тиш-жағ аномалияси бўлган болаларда оғиз бўшлиғи микробиоцинознинг кўрсаткичлари
- № 4 2021
Язык: узбекский
Мақолада оғиз бўшлиғи микроб манзарасининг, тиш аномалияси бўлган болаларда
параметрлари келтирилган. Муаллиф соғлом ва касал болаларда нормал оғиз микрофлораси кўрсаткичларининг тиш аномалиялари билан муносабатини ўрганган ва баҳолаган.Микробиологик методлардан қўйилган вазифаларни бажариш учун фойдаланган ва батафсил маълумот берди.
The article presents the parameters of the microbial landscape of the oral cavity in children with dental and maxillofacial anomalies. The author studied and evaluated the relationship of indicators of normal oral microflora with dental and maxillary anomalies in healthy and sick children.Microbiological methods were used to achieve this goal.
The article presents the parameters of the microbial landscape of the oral cavity in children with dental and maxillofacial anomalies. The author studied and evaluated the relationship of indicators of normal oral microflora with dental and maxillary anomalies in healthy and sick children.Microbiological methods were used to achieve this goal.