the ethnocultural features in the Artistic style of late medieval pottery From the kultobe
- № 1(31)2021
Язык: английский
This article is devoted to the study of a collection of glazed pottery discovered at the site of Kultobe (Southern Kazakhstan), which is located in the buffer zone of the designated World Heritage site for the mausoleum of Khoja Akhmed Yasawi (city of Turkestan, Turkestan region, Kazakhstan). Since 2019, the excavations at Kultobe by the archaeological team from the Kazakh Research Institute of Culture has discovered more than 15,000 pottery fragments. Of these, 3,989 both fragments and archaeologically whole vessels of glazed pottery dating back to the 17th-19th centuries were identified. The authors do not aim at a comprehensive examination of the pottery from Turkestan throughout its existence; but confine themselves to the characteristics of the ceramic collection from the Kultobe ancient settlement discovered in 2020 and their associated historical and cultural problems. The study based on the ceramic material has already received some scholarly reflection. At the same time, the existing foundational source of knowledge concerning the artistic style of Turkestani pottery
can be expanded due to this newly introduced material. The data in comparison to other disciplines can clarify some particularities of glazed pottery from late medieval Turkestan.