SVM таянч векторлар усулида оптималлаштириш масаласи учун ядро функциясини қўлланилиши
- № 2 (8) 2019
Язык: узбекский
Мақолада оптималлаштириш масаласини таянч вектор машинаси (SVM) усули ѐрдамида ечиш назарияси келтирилган бўлиб, оптималлаштириш масаласи учун ядро функциясини қўлланлиши, Grid search алгоритмлари таҳлили амалга оширилган.
The article describes the methodology and software based on the algorithms of computational algorithms for solving the problem of classifying definitions of medical symbols. The problem of classifying patients with headaches, which is often found in neurological diseases in software diagnostics, was studied. At the first stage of the program, an informational field is formed, and at the second stage, the problem of classification is solved. For headache disorders, a class of information was developed that is specific to the diagnostic class in order to determine the significance of the chosen diagnosis and the decisive principle of determining which object is similar to the unknown.
The article describes the methodology and software based on the algorithms of computational algorithms for solving the problem of classifying definitions of medical symbols. The problem of classifying patients with headaches, which is often found in neurological diseases in software diagnostics, was studied. At the first stage of the program, an informational field is formed, and at the second stage, the problem of classification is solved. For headache disorders, a class of information was developed that is specific to the diagnostic class in order to determine the significance of the chosen diagnosis and the decisive principle of determining which object is similar to the unknown.