Сущность и задачи института детского Омбудсмана в сфере защиты прав ребенка
- № 2(58) 2019
Язык: русский
Раскрыты вопросы предоставления социальных услуг для детей, реализации права детей на полное рассмотрение их непосредственных обращений в государственные органы, возможности возбуждения иска о взыскании алиментов с обоих родителей в установленном законом размере, формирования механизма учета мнения ребенка, выделения квот для воспитанников домов милосердия и детских городков при приеме в высшие учебные заведения, внедрения в Узбекистане системы ювенальной юстиции.
The lawmaker discusses issues pertinent to the provision of social services for children, realization of the right of children for the full consideration of their direct appeals to government bodies, for bringing claim for recovery of alimony from both parents in the amount established by law, formation of a mechanism for taking into account the child’s opinion, quotas for inmates of orphanages and children’s camps for admission to higher education institutions, implementation of juvenile justice systems in Uzbekistan.
The lawmaker discusses issues pertinent to the provision of social services for children, realization of the right of children for the full consideration of their direct appeals to government bodies, for bringing claim for recovery of alimony from both parents in the amount established by law, formation of a mechanism for taking into account the child’s opinion, quotas for inmates of orphanages and children’s camps for admission to higher education institutions, implementation of juvenile justice systems in Uzbekistan.