Современные методы остеосинтеза нижней челюсти
- № 1(78) 2020
Язык: русский
Проведен сравнительный анализ современных методов остеосинтеза нижней челюсти, систематизированы данные 146 источников отечественной и зарубежной литературы. Показано, что при внутриротовом остеосинтезе минипластинами можно полностью отказаться от шинирования челюстей.
То make a comparative analysis of the up-to-date methods of mandibular osteosynthesis home and foreign publications have been reviewed. We have concluded that development and introduction of the mandibular exoskeleton into the treatment are required to ensure the rehabilitation of patients with mandibular fractures.
То make a comparative analysis of the up-to-date methods of mandibular osteosynthesis home and foreign publications have been reviewed. We have concluded that development and introduction of the mandibular exoskeleton into the treatment are required to ensure the rehabilitation of patients with mandibular fractures.