Раннее ортодонтическое лечение в системе комплексной реабилитации детей с двусторонней расщелиной верней губы и нёба (обзор литературы)
- № 4(77) 2019
Язык: русский
Число детей, рождающихся с врожденной патологией челюстно-лицевой области, остается значительным.
Врожденная двусторонняя расщелина верхней губы и неба является наиболее тяжелой формой расщелины
лица. У таких пациентов имеются выраженные анатомические и функциональные нарушения, требующие
длительного и многоэтапного восстановления. В настоящее время лечение таких пациентов осуществляется
комплексно и включает участие челюстно-лицевого хирурга, логопеда, отоларинголога, педиатра, ортодонта
и др. На протяжении всего срока лечения ортодонтическая коррекция не только улучшает функциональные и
эстетические показатели зубочелюстной системы, но и является подготовительным этапом для продолжения лечения у других специалистов. В то же время необходимо уточнению некоторых деталей самого метода и конструктивных особенностей аппарата, а также разработка показаний к применению того или иного вида ортодонтического лечения в зависимости от степени, тяжести и формы имеющейся деформации и выбора тактики подготовки пациента к первичному хирургическому лечению.
The number of children born with congenital pathology of the maxillofacial region throughout the world remains at a high level. Congenital bilateral cleft of the upper lip and palate is the most severe form of cleft face. In such patients, severe anatomical and functional disorders are identified that require a long and multi-stage recovery. Currently, the treatment of such patients has become complex and includes the work of many specialists, such as the maxillofacial surgeon, speech therapist,otolaryngologist, pediatrician, orthodontist, etc. Throughout the treatment, orthodontic correction not only improves the functional and aesthetic parameters of the dento-maxillary system, but also is a preparatory stage for the continuation of treatment by other specialists. Orthodontic correction at the age from birth to the start of a removable bite was called early orthodontic treatment. There are several theories for starting early orthodontic treatment. Some details of the method itself and the design features of the apparatus need to be clarified.There are no indications for the use of this or that type of orthodontic treatment, depending on the degree, severity and form of the existing deformity and the choice of tactics for preparing the patient for primary surgical treatment.
The number of children born with congenital pathology of the maxillofacial region throughout the world remains at a high level. Congenital bilateral cleft of the upper lip and palate is the most severe form of cleft face. In such patients, severe anatomical and functional disorders are identified that require a long and multi-stage recovery. Currently, the treatment of such patients has become complex and includes the work of many specialists, such as the maxillofacial surgeon, speech therapist,otolaryngologist, pediatrician, orthodontist, etc. Throughout the treatment, orthodontic correction not only improves the functional and aesthetic parameters of the dento-maxillary system, but also is a preparatory stage for the continuation of treatment by other specialists. Orthodontic correction at the age from birth to the start of a removable bite was called early orthodontic treatment. There are several theories for starting early orthodontic treatment. Some details of the method itself and the design features of the apparatus need to be clarified.There are no indications for the use of this or that type of orthodontic treatment, depending on the degree, severity and form of the existing deformity and the choice of tactics for preparing the patient for primary surgical treatment.