Psixoaktiv moddalarni aralash – kombinatsion qo’llash tufayli yuzaga kelgan qaramlilik sindromining modifikatsion profilaktikasi va davolash tamoyillari: qiyosiy tahlillar
- № 4 2021
Язык: узбекский
Представлены современные взгляды на классификацию, диагностику и
лечебно-профилактические мероприятия синдрома зависимости, вызванного сочетанным употреблением нескольких психоактивных веществ (ПАВ). Описаны общие
закономерности формирования и течения заболевания, паттерны употребления, вопросы лабораторной диагностики. Особое внимание уделено клинической диагностике наиболее часто встречающихся моделей употребления различных ПАВ. Для того чтобы составить и предложить читателю наиболее полную базу по доказательным стратегиям терапии различных вариантов полинаркомании, были изучены результаты тех исследований,которые включали пациентов, использующих более одного ПАВ не менее чем за 1 мес до начала лечения. Раздел, посвященный терапии, изложен в качестве клинических рекомендаций с учетом уровней достоверности доказательств и убедительности рекомендаций.
This article presents current views on the classification, diagnosis, treatment,and prevention of drug dependence caused by the co-use of several psychoactive substances (PASs). It describes the fundamental regularities of the development and course of the disease, the patterns of consumption, and the issues of laboratory diagnosis. Particular attention is paid to the clinical diagnosis of the most common patterns of use of various PASs. In order to make and propose the reader the most complete basis for evidencebased strategies for the treatment of various variants of polydrug abuse, the authors studied the results of investigations that enrolled patients using more than one PAS at least 1 month before the start of treatment. The section on therapy is presented as clinical recommendations, taking into account the levels of evidence and the grades of recommendations.
This article presents current views on the classification, diagnosis, treatment,and prevention of drug dependence caused by the co-use of several psychoactive substances (PASs). It describes the fundamental regularities of the development and course of the disease, the patterns of consumption, and the issues of laboratory diagnosis. Particular attention is paid to the clinical diagnosis of the most common patterns of use of various PASs. In order to make and propose the reader the most complete basis for evidencebased strategies for the treatment of various variants of polydrug abuse, the authors studied the results of investigations that enrolled patients using more than one PAS at least 1 month before the start of treatment. The section on therapy is presented as clinical recommendations, taking into account the levels of evidence and the grades of recommendations.