Прогноз индивидуального факторного риска развития заболеваний пародонта у беременных
- № 1(70) 2018
Язык: русский
Pregnancy is a physiological process, but there is not a single system in the organism of woman, where the signs of functional alteration, accordances of possibilities of the adaptive systems of organism of woman and necessities of developing fruit sent to maintenance, did not show up. The origin of inflammatory and inflammatory-destructive diseases of paradontium for pregnant is related to the accumulation of odontolith and high concentration of estrogens, progesterone and prostaglandins, that results in the devascularization of gum, damage of cellular link of immunity, inhibited synthesis of collogen and composition of subgingival microflora changes. Mediators of inflammation in turn negatively influence on a placenta and fruit.