Профессиональное развитие преподавателей в системе высшего Образования: современные подходы и требования
- № 6 2018
Язык: русский
Материал подготовлен на основе семинара Erasmus+ и дискуссии экспертов «Обучение и преподавания: профессиональное развития в высшем образовании» 3-4 сентября 2018 г. на базе Королевского колледжа в Лондоне и Лондонской школы экономики и политических наук. Основной целью семинара было рассмотрение наилучших практик в
профессиональном развитии академического персонала, включая такие аспекты, как разработка программ, обеспечение качества и образование, основанное на исследовании.
This paper prepared based on the seminar and discussions during the Erasmus+ HEREs study visit “Learning and teaching: professional development of staff in higher education” hosted by King’s College London and London School of Economics and Political Sciences on 3-4 September 2018. The main aim was to look at good practices in professional development of academic staff, including aspects such as programme design, quality assurance and research-based education.
This paper prepared based on the seminar and discussions during the Erasmus+ HEREs study visit “Learning and teaching: professional development of staff in higher education” hosted by King’s College London and London School of Economics and Political Sciences on 3-4 September 2018. The main aim was to look at good practices in professional development of academic staff, including aspects such as programme design, quality assurance and research-based education.