Problem of the concept of personality and person in japanese culture
- № 1 (1) 2019
Язык: английский
Всемирная философия, в сущности, вращается вокруг «вечных» проблем. К их числу принадлежит и проблема Человека, которая в нынешний переломный момент человеческой истории приобретает, к сожалению, все более трагическое звучание. Современная философская антропология проявляет повышенный интерес к человеку и личности, стремится определить их положение в картине мира того или иного социкультурного пространства. Исследование темы личности позволяет глубже понять как специфику восприятия и оценки деятельности человека в конкретной культуре, так и составить преставление о ценностных ориентирах того или иного общества, представлениях о норме и отклонении,
правильном и неправильном, дозволенном и человека и личности всегда привлекала внимание как западных,так и восточных мыслителей. Применение понятия «личность» к материалу более ранних хронологических периодов расширяет научный инструментарий и делает возможным исследование не только социально-исторических процессов, но также позволяет говорить о человеке конкретной эпохи и культуры,способном осознавать и переживать собственное положение в обществе, а также выявить критерии оценки деятельности человека со стороны социума. В отечественном японоведении в настоящее время ощущается нехватка научных работ, фокусирующих внимание на данной теме. Исследование данной темы способно существенно дополнить имеющиеся научные знания о Японии и рассмотреть уже исследованную проблематику под новым углом зрения. Рассмотрение феномена человека в японской культуре направлялось интересом к проблеме соотношения «индивидуалистической» и «коллективистской» личности. Наиболее
характерным для японской культуры типом личности признается группо-ориентированная личность.
Jahon falsafasi mohiyatiga ko’ra «abadiy» muammolar atrofida aylanadi. Ular orasida insoniyat muammosi mavjud bo’lib, hozirgi paytda insoniyat tarixidagi keskin o’zgarish, afsuski, tobora fojiali ovozga ega. Zamonaviy falsafiy antropologiya inson va shaxsga bo’lgan qiziqishning kuchayishini namoyish etadi, muayyan ijtimoiy-madaniy makon dunyosidagi rasmda o’z pozitsiyasini aniqlashga intiladi. Shaxs mavzusini o’rganish, ma’lum bir madaniyatda inson faoliyatini idrok etish va baholashning o’ziga xos xususiyatlarini yaxshiroq tushunishga, ma’lum bir jamiyatning qadriyat yo’nalishlari,me’yor va og’ish, to’g ’ri va noto’g’ri, to’g ’ri va noto’g’ri, yo’l qo’yilgan va taqiqlangan narsalar haqidagi tasavvurni shakllantirishga imkon beradi. Inson va shaxs muammosi har doim G’arb va Sharq mutafakkirlarining e’tiborini tortgan. «Shaxs» tushunchasining oldingi xronologik davrlardan materiallarga qo’llanilishi ilmiy vositalarni kengaytiradi va nafaqat ijtimoiy-tarixiyjarayonlarni o’rganishga imkon beradi, balki ma’lum bir davr va madaniyat odami, jamiyatda o’z mavqeini anglab eta oladigan va his qila oladigan odam haqida gapirishga imkon beradi,shuningdek baholash mezonlarini aniqlaydi. jamiyat tomonidan inson faoliyati. Hozirgi kunda mahalliy yapon tadqiqotlarida ushbu mavzuga qaratilgan ilmiy ishlarning etishmasligi mavjud. Ushbu mavzuni o’rganish Yaponiya haqida mavjud ilmiy bilimlarni sezilarli darajada to’ldirishi va o’rganilgan muammolarni yangi nuqtai nazardan ko’rib chiqishi mumkin. Yapon madaniyatida inson fenomeni e’tiborga olinishi «individualistik» va «kollektivistik» shaxsiyatning korrelyatsiyasi muammosiga qiziqish asosida olib borildi. Guruhga yo’naltirilgan shaxs Yaponiya madaniyatidagi eng xarakterli shaxs turi sifatida tan olingan.
World philosophy, in essence, revolves around “eternal” problems. Among them is the problem of Man, which at the present turning point in human history is, unfortunately, acquiring an increasingly tragic sound. Modern philosophical anthropology shows an increased interest in man and personality, seeks to determine their position in the picture of the world of a particular sociocultural space. The study of the topic ofpersonality allows us to better understand both the specifics ofperception and evaluation of human activity in a particular culture, and to compose a representation of the value orientations of a particular society, ideas about the norm and deviation, right and wrong, permissible and forbidden. The problem of man and personality has always attracted the attention of both Western and Eastern thinkers. The application of the concept of “personality” to material from earlier chronological periods expands the scientific tools and makes it possible to study not only socio-historical processes,but also allows you to talk about a person of a particular era and culture, able to realize and experience their own position in society, as well as identify assessment criteria human activities on the part of society. In domestic Japanese studies, there is currently a shortage of scientific papers focusing attention on this topic. The study of this topic can significantly supplement the existing scientific knowledge about Japan and consider the already studied problems from a new angle. The consideration of the phenomenon of man in Japanese culture was guided by interest in the problem of the correlation of «individualistic» and «collectivist» personality. A group-oriented personality is recognized as the most characteristic personality type in Japanese culture.
Jahon falsafasi mohiyatiga ko’ra «abadiy» muammolar atrofida aylanadi. Ular orasida insoniyat muammosi mavjud bo’lib, hozirgi paytda insoniyat tarixidagi keskin o’zgarish, afsuski, tobora fojiali ovozga ega. Zamonaviy falsafiy antropologiya inson va shaxsga bo’lgan qiziqishning kuchayishini namoyish etadi, muayyan ijtimoiy-madaniy makon dunyosidagi rasmda o’z pozitsiyasini aniqlashga intiladi. Shaxs mavzusini o’rganish, ma’lum bir madaniyatda inson faoliyatini idrok etish va baholashning o’ziga xos xususiyatlarini yaxshiroq tushunishga, ma’lum bir jamiyatning qadriyat yo’nalishlari,me’yor va og’ish, to’g ’ri va noto’g’ri, to’g ’ri va noto’g’ri, yo’l qo’yilgan va taqiqlangan narsalar haqidagi tasavvurni shakllantirishga imkon beradi. Inson va shaxs muammosi har doim G’arb va Sharq mutafakkirlarining e’tiborini tortgan. «Shaxs» tushunchasining oldingi xronologik davrlardan materiallarga qo’llanilishi ilmiy vositalarni kengaytiradi va nafaqat ijtimoiy-tarixiyjarayonlarni o’rganishga imkon beradi, balki ma’lum bir davr va madaniyat odami, jamiyatda o’z mavqeini anglab eta oladigan va his qila oladigan odam haqida gapirishga imkon beradi,shuningdek baholash mezonlarini aniqlaydi. jamiyat tomonidan inson faoliyati. Hozirgi kunda mahalliy yapon tadqiqotlarida ushbu mavzuga qaratilgan ilmiy ishlarning etishmasligi mavjud. Ushbu mavzuni o’rganish Yaponiya haqida mavjud ilmiy bilimlarni sezilarli darajada to’ldirishi va o’rganilgan muammolarni yangi nuqtai nazardan ko’rib chiqishi mumkin. Yapon madaniyatida inson fenomeni e’tiborga olinishi «individualistik» va «kollektivistik» shaxsiyatning korrelyatsiyasi muammosiga qiziqish asosida olib borildi. Guruhga yo’naltirilgan shaxs Yaponiya madaniyatidagi eng xarakterli shaxs turi sifatida tan olingan.
World philosophy, in essence, revolves around “eternal” problems. Among them is the problem of Man, which at the present turning point in human history is, unfortunately, acquiring an increasingly tragic sound. Modern philosophical anthropology shows an increased interest in man and personality, seeks to determine their position in the picture of the world of a particular sociocultural space. The study of the topic ofpersonality allows us to better understand both the specifics ofperception and evaluation of human activity in a particular culture, and to compose a representation of the value orientations of a particular society, ideas about the norm and deviation, right and wrong, permissible and forbidden. The problem of man and personality has always attracted the attention of both Western and Eastern thinkers. The application of the concept of “personality” to material from earlier chronological periods expands the scientific tools and makes it possible to study not only socio-historical processes,but also allows you to talk about a person of a particular era and culture, able to realize and experience their own position in society, as well as identify assessment criteria human activities on the part of society. In domestic Japanese studies, there is currently a shortage of scientific papers focusing attention on this topic. The study of this topic can significantly supplement the existing scientific knowledge about Japan and consider the already studied problems from a new angle. The consideration of the phenomenon of man in Japanese culture was guided by interest in the problem of the correlation of «individualistic» and «collectivist» personality. A group-oriented personality is recognized as the most characteristic personality type in Japanese culture.