Применение озонированного кунжутного масла в комплексном лечении эрозивно-язвенной формы красного плоского лишая слизистой оболочки полости рта
- № 1 2021
Язык: русский
Красный плоский лишай (КПЛ) — один из наиболее распространенных и клинически манифестных кожно-слизистых дерматозов, По данным разных авторов популяционная частота КПЛ (0,4-1,9%) отмечается варьирование в разных регионах мира и доли к другим дерматозам.Главной проблемой в изучении эпидемиологии КПЛ является различие в анализе оценки частоты одновременного поражения слизистой оболочки
полости рта и кожи, естественно, отдельно при обращении больных как к стоматологам, так и дерматологам. Развитие КПЛ в возрасте 30-60 лет наблюдается в 33% случаев, в 19% случаев у людей от 51 до 60 лет, в 3-4% случаев у лиц старше 70 лет.Это заболевание отличается недостаточной изученностью этиологии и патогенеза, наличием тяжело протекающих форм заболевания, возможностью озлокачествления, стойкостью к проводимому лечению.В связи с этим, до сих пор отдается предпочтение
кортикостероидам, которые могут вызывать различные осложнения и побочные эффекты.Применение немедикаментозных методов терапии,частности медикаментозный озон, используемый комплексной терапии красного плоского лишая отличается эффективностью и безопасностью, осложнений и побочных эффектов не наблюдается.
Применяемая озонотерапия приводит к достоверному снижению гигиенический индекса (OHI-S), по сравнению с показателями до лечения и соответствовали 87,27% (0,40±0,27), что показывает снижение ГИ (OHI-S) соответственно в 7,8 раза по сравнению с показателями до лечения (р<0,05).Показатель PMA в основной группе к концу
срока лечения составили снижение соответственWWW.
Lichen planus (LP) is one of the most common and clinically manifest mucocutaneous dermatoses.According to different authors, the population frequency of LP (0.4-1.9%) varies in different regions of the world and the proportion to other dermatoses.The main problem in the study of the epidemiology of LP is the difference in the analysis of the assessment of the frequency of simultaneous lesions of the oral mucosa and skin, naturally, separately when patients refer to both dentists and dermatologists. The development of LP at the age of 30-60 is observed in 33% of cases, in 19% of cases in people from 51 to 60 years old, in 3-4% of cases in people over 70 years old.This disease is characterized by insufficient knowledge of the etiology and pathogenesis, the presence of severe forms of the disease, the possibility of malignancy, and resistance to treatment. In this regard, corticosteroids are still preferred, which can cause various complications and side effects. The use of non-drug methods of therapy, in particular, drug ozone used in the complex therapy of lichen planus is effective and safe, no complications or side effects are observed. The applied ozone therapy leads to a significant decrease in the hygiene index (OHI-S),compared with the indicators before treatment and corresponded to 87.27% (0.40 ± 0.27), which shows a decrease in the GI (OHI-S), respectively, in 7.8 times compared with the indicators before treatment (p <0.05). The PMA index in the main group by the end of the treatment period was a decrease by 82.7%, respectively (7.15 ± 2.64), which shows a decrease in the infl ammatory process by 5.77 times, respectively,compared with the indicators before treatment (p <0.05). Regression of the infl ammatory process leads to a reduction in the time of epithelialization of erosiveulcerative foci and a 2.27-fold lengthening of LP remission (p <0.05) — and reached a value o f up to 5.75 ± 0.06 months in 96.86% o f cases (31 people).
Lichen planus (LP) is one of the most common and clinically manifest mucocutaneous dermatoses.According to different authors, the population frequency of LP (0.4-1.9%) varies in different regions of the world and the proportion to other dermatoses.The main problem in the study of the epidemiology of LP is the difference in the analysis of the assessment of the frequency of simultaneous lesions of the oral mucosa and skin, naturally, separately when patients refer to both dentists and dermatologists. The development of LP at the age of 30-60 is observed in 33% of cases, in 19% of cases in people from 51 to 60 years old, in 3-4% of cases in people over 70 years old.This disease is characterized by insufficient knowledge of the etiology and pathogenesis, the presence of severe forms of the disease, the possibility of malignancy, and resistance to treatment. In this regard, corticosteroids are still preferred, which can cause various complications and side effects. The use of non-drug methods of therapy, in particular, drug ozone used in the complex therapy of lichen planus is effective and safe, no complications or side effects are observed. The applied ozone therapy leads to a significant decrease in the hygiene index (OHI-S),compared with the indicators before treatment and corresponded to 87.27% (0.40 ± 0.27), which shows a decrease in the GI (OHI-S), respectively, in 7.8 times compared with the indicators before treatment (p <0.05). The PMA index in the main group by the end of the treatment period was a decrease by 82.7%, respectively (7.15 ± 2.64), which shows a decrease in the infl ammatory process by 5.77 times, respectively,compared with the indicators before treatment (p <0.05). Regression of the infl ammatory process leads to a reduction in the time of epithelialization of erosiveulcerative foci and a 2.27-fold lengthening of LP remission (p <0.05) — and reached a value o f up to 5.75 ± 0.06 months in 96.86% o f cases (31 people).