Подготовка имплантационного ложа в зависимости от особенностей гистоархитектоники костной ткани
- № 4 (81) 2020
Язык: русский
В последние десятилетия дентальная имплантация заняла важное место в хирургической стоматологии. Применение внутрикостных зубных имплантатов позволяет восстановить
жевательную функцию при частичной и полной потере зубов и улучшить эстетику лица. Несмотря на успехи дентальной имплантологии, важной проблемой остается уменьшение количества осложнений и сокращение сроков реабилитации пациентов после операции дентальной имплантации. При планировании имплантации стоматологи
часто сталкиваются с проблемой неудовлетворительного качества объема кости в области вмешательства. Результат имплантологического лечения во многом определяется состоянием костной ткани и ее структурой в области постановки внутрикостного имплантата. Это повышает требования к диагностике при планировании и проведению
операций дентальной имплантации, а также к разработке различных подходов к созданию ложа в зависимости от типа кости, аугментации костной ткани, определяет необходимость поиска новых остеопластических материалов и их клиническую
So‘nggi o‘n yilliklarda stomatologik implantologiya jarrohlik stomatologiyada muhim o‘rin tutmoqda. Intraosseous dental implantlardan foydalanish tishlarning qisman va to‘liq yo‘qolishi bilan chaynash funktsiyasini tiklashga va yuzning estetikasini yaxshilashga imkon beradi. Tish implantologiyasining muvaffaqiyatli bo‘lishiga qaramay, tish implantatsiyasi operatsiyasidan keyin bemorlar uchun asoratlar sonini kamaytirish va reabilitatsiya davrini qisqartirish muhim muammo bo’lib qolmoqda. Implantatsiyani rejalashtirishda stomatologlar ko’pincha aralashuv sohasida suyak hajmining sifatsizligi muammosiga duch kelishadi. Implantatsiyani davolash natijasi asosan suyak to‘qimalarining holati va uning intraosseous implant joylashish sohasidagi tuzilishi bilan belgilanadi. Bu dental implantatsiya operatsiyalarini rejalashtirish va amalga oshirishda diagnostika talablarini oshiradi,shuningdek suyak turiga qarab yotoq yaratish,suyak to’qimasini ko’paytirish bo’yicha yangi yondashuvlarni ishlab chiqadi, yangi osteoplastik materiallarni izlash va ularni klinik baholash zarurligini belgilaydi.
In recent decades, dental implantology has occupied an important place in surgical dentistry. The use of intra-bone dental implants allows to restore chewing function with partial and complete loss of teeth and improve the aesthetics of the face. Despite the success of dental implantology,an important problem remains the reduction of complications and the reduction of rehabilitation periods for patients after dental implantation surgery.When planning implantation, dentists often face the problem of poor bone volume in the intervention area. The result of implant treatment is largely determined by the condition of the bone tissue and its structure in the area of intra-bone implantation. This increases the diagnostic requirements for the planning and conduct of dental implantation operations, as well as the development of different approaches to the creation of a bed depending on the type of bone, bone augmentation,determines the need to find new osteoplastic materials and their clinical evaluation.
So‘nggi o‘n yilliklarda stomatologik implantologiya jarrohlik stomatologiyada muhim o‘rin tutmoqda. Intraosseous dental implantlardan foydalanish tishlarning qisman va to‘liq yo‘qolishi bilan chaynash funktsiyasini tiklashga va yuzning estetikasini yaxshilashga imkon beradi. Tish implantologiyasining muvaffaqiyatli bo‘lishiga qaramay, tish implantatsiyasi operatsiyasidan keyin bemorlar uchun asoratlar sonini kamaytirish va reabilitatsiya davrini qisqartirish muhim muammo bo’lib qolmoqda. Implantatsiyani rejalashtirishda stomatologlar ko’pincha aralashuv sohasida suyak hajmining sifatsizligi muammosiga duch kelishadi. Implantatsiyani davolash natijasi asosan suyak to‘qimalarining holati va uning intraosseous implant joylashish sohasidagi tuzilishi bilan belgilanadi. Bu dental implantatsiya operatsiyalarini rejalashtirish va amalga oshirishda diagnostika talablarini oshiradi,shuningdek suyak turiga qarab yotoq yaratish,suyak to’qimasini ko’paytirish bo’yicha yangi yondashuvlarni ishlab chiqadi, yangi osteoplastik materiallarni izlash va ularni klinik baholash zarurligini belgilaydi.
In recent decades, dental implantology has occupied an important place in surgical dentistry. The use of intra-bone dental implants allows to restore chewing function with partial and complete loss of teeth and improve the aesthetics of the face. Despite the success of dental implantology,an important problem remains the reduction of complications and the reduction of rehabilitation periods for patients after dental implantation surgery.When planning implantation, dentists often face the problem of poor bone volume in the intervention area. The result of implant treatment is largely determined by the condition of the bone tissue and its structure in the area of intra-bone implantation. This increases the diagnostic requirements for the planning and conduct of dental implantation operations, as well as the development of different approaches to the creation of a bed depending on the type of bone, bone augmentation,determines the need to find new osteoplastic materials and their clinical evaluation.