Ортодонтик даволашда кариеснинг ривожланишини бухоро вилояти ҳудудлари негизида ўрганиш
- № 3(80) 2020
Язык: узбекский
В данной статье описана актуальность профилактики и диагностики кариеса на ранних
стадиях с помощью современных методов диагностики. А так же представлено исследование кариесоподверженности ортодонтических пациентов (детей и подростков) на разных стадиях лечения в Алатском, Гиждуванском, Ромитанском и Каракульском районах Бухарской области. Изучено влияние различных реминирализирующих препаратов на ткани эмали и дентина.
This article describes the relevance of the prevention and diagnosis of caries in the early stages using modern diagnostic methods. It also presents a study of caries susceptibility of orthodontic patients (children and adolescents) at different stages of treatment in Alat, Gijduvan, Romitan and Karakul districts of Bukhara region. The effect of various remineralizing agents on enamel and dentin tissues was studied.
This article describes the relevance of the prevention and diagnosis of caries in the early stages using modern diagnostic methods. It also presents a study of caries susceptibility of orthodontic patients (children and adolescents) at different stages of treatment in Alat, Gijduvan, Romitan and Karakul districts of Bukhara region. The effect of various remineralizing agents on enamel and dentin tissues was studied.