Оптимизированные подходы к комплексному лечению пациентов с хроническим рецидивирующим афтозным стоматитом
- № 1 (82) 2021
Язык: русский
В комплексном лечении хронического рецидивирующего афтозного стоматита играет роль
не только состояние слизистой оболочки полости рта пациентов, но и состав микрофлоры. Известно множество различных высокоэффективных методов для лечения ХРАС, каждый из которых имеет свои достоинства и недостатки.
Important in the complex treatment of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis is played not only by the oral mucosa of patients, but also by the microbiocenosis, i.e. the composition of the microflora, in which there are local and harmful foreign microbacteria, affecting the body and reducing immunity and affecting the formation of stomatitis in patients. It is to carry out local and general therapy with effective drugs or other evidence-based methods in the process.
Important in the complex treatment of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis is played not only by the oral mucosa of patients, but also by the microbiocenosis, i.e. the composition of the microflora, in which there are local and harmful foreign microbacteria, affecting the body and reducing immunity and affecting the formation of stomatitis in patients. It is to carry out local and general therapy with effective drugs or other evidence-based methods in the process.