Оптик транспорт тармоқларининг барқарор ишлашига электр таъминотидаги узилишларнинг таъсирларини таҳлил қилиш
- № 1 (7) 2019
Язык: узбекский
Телекоммуникация тармоқлари электр энергиясининг инфратузилмасига асосланганлиги сабабли, электр таъминотини барқарорлигини таъминлаш билан тармоқнинг яшовчанлигини, барқорор ишлаши ва доимий алоқа жараѐнини таъминлаш мумкин. Электр ва алоқа тармоқларининг ишлаш фаолияти бир-бирига боғлиқ, ҳар бир тармоқда юзага келадиган узилишлар бир-бирининг иш жараѐнига жиддий таъсир кўрсатади. Ушбу мақолада электр ва алоқа тармоқларининг бир-бирига боғлиқлиги ва электр тармоғидаги узилишларни оптик транспорт тармоқларининг барқарор ишлашига таъсирлари ўрганиб чиқилади ва таҳлил қилинади.
As telecommunication networks based on electricity infrastructure, it is possible to support communication of the transport networks with persistency, stability and permanency by providing stability of power supply systems. Working processes of electricity and communication networks are related with each other, failures in each network seriously effect one another‘s working process. In this paper, has been analyzed and studied the working processes of electricity and communication networks, effects the failures in power supply for stability of optical transport networks
As telecommunication networks based on electricity infrastructure, it is possible to support communication of the transport networks with persistency, stability and permanency by providing stability of power supply systems. Working processes of electricity and communication networks are related with each other, failures in each network seriously effect one another‘s working process. In this paper, has been analyzed and studied the working processes of electricity and communication networks, effects the failures in power supply for stability of optical transport networks