Оценка критерия работоспособности и расчет валов качалок навесной системы хлопкоуборочных машин
- № 1 (1) 2022
Язык: русский
Эффективность управления хлопкоуборочной машины с навесными устройствами обусловлена теми техническими особенностями,насколько полно они выполняются в соответствии с установленными проектными требованиями. Для её максимума действие системы управления должно происходить по определённой закономерности, описываемой алгоритмом управления, где учитываются все действующие факторы и все известные зависимости. В данной статье ставится и решается задача оценки
работоспособности валов и расчет усталостной прочности вала качалки хлопкоуборочной машины. В работе расчет валов на сопротивление усталости считается основным, а расчет на статическую прочность выполняют как проверочный.
Osma tizimli paxta terish mashinasini boshqarish samaradorligi texnik xususiyatlari, ular belgilangan loyihalash talablariga muvofiq qanchalik yaxshi bajarilganligi bilan bog’liq. Uning maksimal darajada ishlashi uchun boshqaruv tizimining ishlashi barcha ta’sir qiluvchi omillarni va barcha ma’lum bog’liqliklarni hisobga oladigan boshqaruv algoritmi tomonidan tavsiflangan ma’lum bir naqsh bo’yicha amalga oshirilishi kerak. Ushbu maqolada vallar ishini baholash va paxta terish mashinasining tebranuvchi valining charchoqqa chidamliligini hisoblash muammosi qo’yiladi va hal qilinadi. Ishda charchoqqa chidamlilik uchun vallarni hisoblash asosiy hisoblanadi va statik quvvatni hisoblash tekshirish sifatida amalga oshiriladi.
The effectiveness of the control of a cotton picker with attachments is due to the technical features, how well they are carried out in accordance with the established design requirements. For its maximum, the operation of the control system should occur according to a certain pattern, described by the control algorithm, which takes into account all acting factors and all known dependencies. This article poses and solves the problem of evaluating the performance of the shafts and calculating the fatigue strength of the shaft of the rocking unit of a cotton picker. In the work, the calculation of shafts for fatigue resistance is considered the main one, and the calculation for static strength is performed as a verification one.
Osma tizimli paxta terish mashinasini boshqarish samaradorligi texnik xususiyatlari, ular belgilangan loyihalash talablariga muvofiq qanchalik yaxshi bajarilganligi bilan bog’liq. Uning maksimal darajada ishlashi uchun boshqaruv tizimining ishlashi barcha ta’sir qiluvchi omillarni va barcha ma’lum bog’liqliklarni hisobga oladigan boshqaruv algoritmi tomonidan tavsiflangan ma’lum bir naqsh bo’yicha amalga oshirilishi kerak. Ushbu maqolada vallar ishini baholash va paxta terish mashinasining tebranuvchi valining charchoqqa chidamliligini hisoblash muammosi qo’yiladi va hal qilinadi. Ishda charchoqqa chidamlilik uchun vallarni hisoblash asosiy hisoblanadi va statik quvvatni hisoblash tekshirish sifatida amalga oshiriladi.
The effectiveness of the control of a cotton picker with attachments is due to the technical features, how well they are carried out in accordance with the established design requirements. For its maximum, the operation of the control system should occur according to a certain pattern, described by the control algorithm, which takes into account all acting factors and all known dependencies. This article poses and solves the problem of evaluating the performance of the shafts and calculating the fatigue strength of the shaft of the rocking unit of a cotton picker. In the work, the calculation of shafts for fatigue resistance is considered the main one, and the calculation for static strength is performed as a verification one.