Обзор периодических журналов по специальности Information and Library Science (библиотечные и информационные науки, входящих в международные аналитические базы данных
- № 2 (38) 2024
Язык: русский
После того, как в 2023 году Министерство Высшего образования, науки и
инноваций Республики Узбекистан оформила национальную подписку на крупные зарубежные электронные базы данных для 200 учебных и научных организаций республики,возможности для публикации научных работ расширились – был сделан важный шаг в развитии отечественной науки и образовании. Библиотеки Узбекистана, как публичные, так и академические получили широкий доступ к качественным научно-образовательным ресурсам. Но иметь в расположении большую библиотеку электронных ресурсов недостаточно очень важно правильно использовать и управлять ею, что является одной из важных задач для любого типа библиотек. Данная статья дает обзор научных журналов по направлению
Library and Information Science (Библиотечные и информационные науки), входящие в крупную международную аналитическую базу данных Web of Science. Обзор будет полезен библиотекарям клиентской службы, научным исследователям, магистрантам и докторантам.
After the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation issued a national subscription to large foreign electronic databases for 200 educational and scientific organizations of the republic in 2023, the opportunities for publishing scientific works expanded — an important step was taken in the development of domestic science and education. Libraries of Uzbekistan,both public and academic, have received wide access to high-quality scientific and educational resources. But possessing with a large library of electronic resources at a disposal is not enough — it is very significant to apply and manage it appropriately, which is one of the important tasks for any type of library.. This article provides an overview of scientific journals in the field of Library and Information Science, included in the large international analytical database Web of Science.The review will be useful to librarians of the Customer Service department, scientific researchers, undergraduates and doctoral students.
After the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation issued a national subscription to large foreign electronic databases for 200 educational and scientific organizations of the republic in 2023, the opportunities for publishing scientific works expanded — an important step was taken in the development of domestic science and education. Libraries of Uzbekistan,both public and academic, have received wide access to high-quality scientific and educational resources. But possessing with a large library of electronic resources at a disposal is not enough — it is very significant to apply and manage it appropriately, which is one of the important tasks for any type of library.. This article provides an overview of scientific journals in the field of Library and Information Science, included in the large international analytical database Web of Science.The review will be useful to librarians of the Customer Service department, scientific researchers, undergraduates and doctoral students.