O’zbekistonning axborot kutubxona faoliyatida naukometriya va bibliometriyani rivojlantirishning asosiy bosqichlari
- № 1 2019
Язык: узбекский
Mazkur maqola dunyoning yetakchi nashriyotlari, analitik kompaniyalarining ta’limga oid ma’lumot bazalari haqida ma’lumot berib, kutubxonachilar, kitobxonlar, tadqiqotchilar uchun mazkur resurslarni izlash, ulardan foydalanish, shuningdek, analitik axborot tizimlarida mualliflarning shaxsiy profilini yaratish usullari haqida ma’lumot beradi.
The paper aims to give some important information of sciencemetrics and bibliometrics development, also analytic systems in information-library activity of Uzbekistan. Author provides information about using of those databases, getting access to resources and search scientific information resources for libraries, readers and researchers, as well as creation the personal profile of authors for more functional access.
The paper aims to give some important information of sciencemetrics and bibliometrics development, also analytic systems in information-library activity of Uzbekistan. Author provides information about using of those databases, getting access to resources and search scientific information resources for libraries, readers and researchers, as well as creation the personal profile of authors for more functional access.