Нидерландия: Ўзбекистондаги аграр ислоҳотларга юксак баҳо ва икки томонлама ҳамкорлик истиқболлари
- № 4(60) 2019
Язык: узбекский
О формировании благоприятных внешнеполитических условий для
защиты и продвижения внешнеэкономических интересов Республики Узбекистан, развитии торгово-экономических связей с Нидерландами,
привлечении иностранных инвестиций и передовых технологий, продвижении национальных товаров и услуг на европейские рынки
и увеличении туристического потока в страну.
The author discusses the formation of favorable foreign policy environment for the protection and promotion of foreign economic interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan, development of trade and economic relations with the Netherlands, attraction of foreign investments and advanced technologies, promotion of national goods and services to European markets and the increase of tourist inflow into the country.
The author discusses the formation of favorable foreign policy environment for the protection and promotion of foreign economic interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan, development of trade and economic relations with the Netherlands, attraction of foreign investments and advanced technologies, promotion of national goods and services to European markets and the increase of tourist inflow into the country.