Необходимость генетических исследований в стоматологии
- № 3(68) 2017
Язык: русский
Маълумки, оғиз бўшлиғи патологиялари ва соматик касалликлар бир-бири билан боғлиқдир. Oрттирилган, хамда ирсий кўп омилли стоматологик касалликлар ўз ривожланиши бўйича ирсий мойилликка эга. Алохида ирсий белгилар бўйича ирсий ва юқумли касалликларга индивидуал мойиллик белгиланади. Хар бир инсонда унинг саломатлик даражасига таъсир этувчи маълум бир аллел генлар вариантлари йиғиндиси мавжуд бўлиб, турли патологияларни ташхислаш
ва даволашда уларга эътибор қаратиш зарур.
NECESSITY OF GENETIC RESEARCH IN DENTISTRY It is known that the pathology of the oral cavity and somatic diseases are interrelated Many of the multipurpose dental diseases, whether acquired or inherited, in their development have a hereditary predisposition. At the level of individual genetic signs of an individual predisposition to hereditary and infectious diseases. Each person has a set of definitions that must be taken into account in the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies.
NECESSITY OF GENETIC RESEARCH IN DENTISTRY It is known that the pathology of the oral cavity and somatic diseases are interrelated Many of the multipurpose dental diseases, whether acquired or inherited, in their development have a hereditary predisposition. At the level of individual genetic signs of an individual predisposition to hereditary and infectious diseases. Each person has a set of definitions that must be taken into account in the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies.