Моделирования условий диффузии коллекторных вод с вод канала
- № 2 (8) 2019
Язык: русский
Рассматривается диффузия соленной воды из коллекторного источника в движущуюся воды канала. Исследуется распределения загрязнения вод по длине канала и приводится аналитическая формула по определению длины пути полного смешения коллекторной воды с пресной водой. Исследование закономерностей миграции влаги в зоне аэрации важно также и для определения величины влаго-обмена ее с атмосферой и оценки роли восходящего от грунтового потока предвижения влаги в снабжении ею корнеобитаемого слоя почвы. Такое исследование зоны аэрации с определением ее водного баланса нами рассматривается особо. Оно считается неотъемлемой частью комплекса водно-балансовых исследований.
The Diffusion process of salt water from a collector source into the moving water of the channel is con-sidered. The distribution of water pollution a long the channel length is investigated and an analytical formula is given for determining the length of a pint of complete mixing of the collector water with fresh water. The study of the patterns of migration of moisture in the aeration zone is also important for determining the magnitude of its moisture exchange with the atmosphere and assessing the role of moisture pre-rising from the ground stream in supplying the root-soil layer with it. This study of the aeration zone with the definition of its water bal-ance is considered by us especially. It is considered an integral part of the complex of water-balance studies.
The Diffusion process of salt water from a collector source into the moving water of the channel is con-sidered. The distribution of water pollution a long the channel length is investigated and an analytical formula is given for determining the length of a pint of complete mixing of the collector water with fresh water. The study of the patterns of migration of moisture in the aeration zone is also important for determining the magnitude of its moisture exchange with the atmosphere and assessing the role of moisture pre-rising from the ground stream in supplying the root-soil layer with it. This study of the aeration zone with the definition of its water bal-ance is considered by us especially. It is considered an integral part of the complex of water-balance studies.