Моделирование процесса переноса и диффузии мелкодисперсных частиц в атмосфере с учетом эрозии почвы
- № 4(10) 2017
Язык: русский
В работе рассматривается решение актуальной задачи по прогнозированию экологического состояния окружающей среды, на примере Приаральского региона, где за счет эрозии почвы осушенной части Аральского моря в атмосферу выбрасывается большое количество соли и мелкодисперсных вредных частиц. Приведен подробный анализ научных работ, связанных с проблемой математического моделирования процесса переноса и диффузии вредных веществ в атмосферу. Приведены математическая модель, ее информационное обеспечение и результаты проведенных вычислительных экспериментов на ЭВМ. Разработанная модель, предназначена для исследования, мониторинга и прогнозирования процесса распространения загрязняющих веществ в атмосфере, и описывается системой дифференциальных уравнений в частных производных с соответствующими начальными и краевыми условиями. Указаны основные параметры, которые играют существенную роль в процессе переноса и диффузии вредных веществ в атмосфере: скорость ветра и его направления; рельеф местности; объем выброса солевых частиц в атмосферу, который зависит от скорости ветра и влажности почвы и т.д. На основе анализа проведенных численных экспериментов сформулированы выводы, служащие основанием для принятия управленческих решения по данной проблеме.
The paper considers the solution of the actual task of forecasting the ecological state of the environment, in the example of the Aral Sea region, where a large amount of salt and fine-dispersed harmful particles are emitted into the atmosphere due to the soil erosion of the drained part of the Aral Sea. A detailed analysis of scientific papers related to the problem of mathematical modeling of the process of transfer and diffusion of harmful substances into the atmosphere is given. The mathematical model, its data ware and the results of computational experiments on a computer are presented. The developed model is designed for research, monitoring and forecasting the process of distribution of pollutants in the atmosphere, and is described by a system of partial differential equations with the corresponding initial and boundary conditions. The main parameters that play an important role in the process of transfer and diffusion of harmful substances in the atmosphere are indicated: wind speed and its direction; relief of the terrain; the volume of release of salt particles into the atmosphere, which depends on the wind speed and soil moisture, etc. Based on the analysis of the conducted numerical experiments, conclusions are formulated that serve as the basis for making management decisions on this issue.
Maqolada Orol dengizining qurib qolgan qismi tuprog’ining eroziyasi sababli atmosferaga katta miqdorda tuz va zararli mayda dispers zarralar tarqalayotgan Orol bo’yi hududi misolida atrof muhitning ekologik holatini prognoz qilish bo’yicha muhim masala qarab chiqilgan. Zararli moddalarning atmosferada ko’chishi va diffuziya jarayonlarini matematik modellashtirish muammosiga oid ilmiy ishlarning to’liq tahlili keltirilgan. Matematik model, uning ma’lumotlar bilan ta’minoti va EHMda o’tkazilgan hisoblash eksperimentlarining natijalari berilgan. Ishlab chiqilgan model ifloslovchi moddalarning atmosferaga tarqalishi jarayonini o’rganish, monitoring va prognoz qilishga mo’ljallangan va mos boshlang’ich va chegaraviy shartlarga ega qisman hosilaviy differensial tenglamalar sistemasi bilan ifodalanadi. Atmosferada zararli moddalarning ko’chish va diffuziyasi jarayonida muhim ro’l o’naydigan quyidagi parametrlar ko’rsatilgan: shamol tezligi va uning yo’nalishi; hudud relyafi; shamol tezligi va tuproq namlilgiga bog’liq bo’lgan, atmosferaga uloqtirilayotgan tuz zarralarinng hajmi va hokazo. O’tkazilgan raqamli eksperimentlar tahlili asosida ushbu muammo bo’yicha boshqaruv qarorlarini qabul qilishga xizmat qiluvchi xulosalar chiqarildi.
The paper considers the solution of the actual task of forecasting the ecological state of the environment, in the example of the Aral Sea region, where a large amount of salt and fine-dispersed harmful particles are emitted into the atmosphere due to the soil erosion of the drained part of the Aral Sea. A detailed analysis of scientific papers related to the problem of mathematical modeling of the process of transfer and diffusion of harmful substances into the atmosphere is given. The mathematical model, its data ware and the results of computational experiments on a computer are presented. The developed model is designed for research, monitoring and forecasting the process of distribution of pollutants in the atmosphere, and is described by a system of partial differential equations with the corresponding initial and boundary conditions. The main parameters that play an important role in the process of transfer and diffusion of harmful substances in the atmosphere are indicated: wind speed and its direction; relief of the terrain; the volume of release of salt particles into the atmosphere, which depends on the wind speed and soil moisture, etc. Based on the analysis of the conducted numerical experiments, conclusions are formulated that serve as the basis for making management decisions on this issue.
Maqolada Orol dengizining qurib qolgan qismi tuprog’ining eroziyasi sababli atmosferaga katta miqdorda tuz va zararli mayda dispers zarralar tarqalayotgan Orol bo’yi hududi misolida atrof muhitning ekologik holatini prognoz qilish bo’yicha muhim masala qarab chiqilgan. Zararli moddalarning atmosferada ko’chishi va diffuziya jarayonlarini matematik modellashtirish muammosiga oid ilmiy ishlarning to’liq tahlili keltirilgan. Matematik model, uning ma’lumotlar bilan ta’minoti va EHMda o’tkazilgan hisoblash eksperimentlarining natijalari berilgan. Ishlab chiqilgan model ifloslovchi moddalarning atmosferaga tarqalishi jarayonini o’rganish, monitoring va prognoz qilishga mo’ljallangan va mos boshlang’ich va chegaraviy shartlarga ega qisman hosilaviy differensial tenglamalar sistemasi bilan ifodalanadi. Atmosferada zararli moddalarning ko’chish va diffuziyasi jarayonida muhim ro’l o’naydigan quyidagi parametrlar ko’rsatilgan: shamol tezligi va uning yo’nalishi; hudud relyafi; shamol tezligi va tuproq namlilgiga bog’liq bo’lgan, atmosferaga uloqtirilayotgan tuz zarralarinng hajmi va hokazo. O’tkazilgan raqamli eksperimentlar tahlili asosida ushbu muammo bo’yicha boshqaruv qarorlarini qabul qilishga xizmat qiluvchi xulosalar chiqarildi.