Методы визуализации в стадировании синоназального рака
- № 1(78) 2020
Язык: русский
Sinonazal o’smalar (burun bo’shlig’i va paranasal sinuslaming o’smalari) kam uchraydi va bosh va bo’yinning barcha o’smalarining 3 foiz-ini (ba’zi ma’lumotlarga ko’ra 6 foizgacha) tashkil qiladi. Ushbu anatomik mintaqadagi malign o’smalar benigndan ko’ra ko’proq uchraydi. Murakkab anatomiya ma’lum bir joyda o’simta tashxisini qo’yishni qiyinlashtiradi.
Sinonasal tumors (tumors of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses) are rare and make up 3% (according to some reports up to 6%) of all tumors of the head and neck. Malignant tumors in this anatomical region are more common than benign. Complex anatomy makes it difficult to diagnose tumors of a given location.
Sinonasal tumors (tumors of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses) are rare and make up 3% (according to some reports up to 6%) of all tumors of the head and neck. Malignant tumors in this anatomical region are more common than benign. Complex anatomy makes it difficult to diagnose tumors of a given location.