Метод расчета вероятности своевременной доставки пакетов в ip-сетях
- № 4 (44) 2017
Язык: русский
Разрабатывается имитационная модель для исследования вероятности своевременной доставки пакетов в IP-сетях, получены гистограммы распределения задержки пакетов в сети, проводится аппроксимация полученных гистограмм с помощью различных распределений, предлагается эмпирическая формула для расчета вероятности своевременной доставки на основе гамма-распределения.
IP-тармокларида пакетларни уз вактида етказиш эхтимолини хисоблаш учун имитацион модел яратилган, тармокда пакетларни кечикиш вактининг гистограммалари олинган, аникланган гистограммалар турли таксимот фунциялари билан аппроксимацияланган, пакетларни уз вактида етказиш эхтимолини хисоблаш учун гамма таксимоти асосида эмпирик формула таклиф этилган.
With appearance on networks of new applications, a question on the guaranteed quality of service in networks IP even more becomes complicated, arises a lack of resources, the leader to magnification of probability of losses of packets and growth of their time delays, for real time applications necessary quality characteristics of service cannot be provided. Processes of convergence of networks and the services, the networks directed on creation on the basis of IP and cumulative questions of support of necessary quality of service throughout the last decade are an object of research of various groups and constant attention of the organizations of standardization in telecommunication.The imitative model is developed for research of probability of timely delivery of packets in IP-networks, histograms of allocation of a time delay of packets in a network are received, approximation of the received histograms by means of various allocations is led, the empirical formula for calculation of probability of timely delivery on the basis of gamma allocation is offered.In the given setting of the task considered NMS is none exponential,consisting of an exponential first node and N-1 — none exponential nodes with dependent flows. Now there are none exact analytical expressions for determination of characteristics of the given network.The purpose of the given operation is research of probability of timely delivery of packets in none exponential NMS on the basis of simulation modeling. By simulation modeling histograms of allocation of delay period of packets in nodes and a network are received at the various N.
IP-тармокларида пакетларни уз вактида етказиш эхтимолини хисоблаш учун имитацион модел яратилган, тармокда пакетларни кечикиш вактининг гистограммалари олинган, аникланган гистограммалар турли таксимот фунциялари билан аппроксимацияланган, пакетларни уз вактида етказиш эхтимолини хисоблаш учун гамма таксимоти асосида эмпирик формула таклиф этилган.
With appearance on networks of new applications, a question on the guaranteed quality of service in networks IP even more becomes complicated, arises a lack of resources, the leader to magnification of probability of losses of packets and growth of their time delays, for real time applications necessary quality characteristics of service cannot be provided. Processes of convergence of networks and the services, the networks directed on creation on the basis of IP and cumulative questions of support of necessary quality of service throughout the last decade are an object of research of various groups and constant attention of the organizations of standardization in telecommunication.The imitative model is developed for research of probability of timely delivery of packets in IP-networks, histograms of allocation of a time delay of packets in a network are received, approximation of the received histograms by means of various allocations is led, the empirical formula for calculation of probability of timely delivery on the basis of gamma allocation is offered.In the given setting of the task considered NMS is none exponential,consisting of an exponential first node and N-1 — none exponential nodes with dependent flows. Now there are none exact analytical expressions for determination of characteristics of the given network.The purpose of the given operation is research of probability of timely delivery of packets in none exponential NMS on the basis of simulation modeling. By simulation modeling histograms of allocation of delay period of packets in nodes and a network are received at the various N.