Manifestations of burnout syndrome in listeners of nursing advanced training courses
- № 4 2021
Язык: английский
Последние годы число медицинских сестер, страдающих от синдрома эмоционального выгорания, всё больше увеличивается, что, возможно, негативно сказывается на уходе за пациентами, рабочей среде и нехватке персонала. Данная статья посвящена проблеме развития синдрома эмоционального выгорания у сестринского персонала. Авторы проанализировали литературные данные по выбранной авторами теме,изучили историю этого явления, факторы риска, выявили причины, а также изучили профилактические мероприятия психического стресса у медицинских сестер с целью предупреждения клинических проявлений и развития синдрома.
According to the World Health Organization definition, burnout syndrome is physical, emotional or motivational weakness, which leads to the development of physical dependence and (in most cases) suicidal behavior, to work and exhaustion,unemployment, exposure to somatic diseases, as well as obtaining temporary relief with alcohol or other psychoactive substances This syndrome is generally regarded as stress in response to the relentless activity and emotional demands that a person experiences with excessive «diving» in work and neglect associated with family life and rest. The field of nursing activity is a profession with the greatest predisposition to the syndrome of «professional» or «emotional» burnout, since it is a constant communication with people in addition to patients and their relatives, during the whole working day, require care, attention and restraint [1, 3, 4, and 12].
According to the World Health Organization definition, burnout syndrome is physical, emotional or motivational weakness, which leads to the development of physical dependence and (in most cases) suicidal behavior, to work and exhaustion,unemployment, exposure to somatic diseases, as well as obtaining temporary relief with alcohol or other psychoactive substances This syndrome is generally regarded as stress in response to the relentless activity and emotional demands that a person experiences with excessive «diving» in work and neglect associated with family life and rest. The field of nursing activity is a profession with the greatest predisposition to the syndrome of «professional» or «emotional» burnout, since it is a constant communication with people in addition to patients and their relatives, during the whole working day, require care, attention and restraint [1, 3, 4, and 12].