Лечение вертикальных аномалий с использованием lm-активатора у детей с нарушениями функции речи в периоде сменного прикуса
- № 3(80) 2020
Язык: русский
Повышение эффективности ортодонтического лечения у пациентов с нарушениями речи при вертикальных аномалиях зубочелюстной системы за счет комплексного
применения программ профилактики и миофункциональных аппаратов LM-активаторов.
Материал и методы: под наблюдением были 58 детей в возрасте от 6 до 9 лет с ранним
сменным прикусом с вертикальными аномалиями зубочелюстной системы и нарушением речи,которых разделили на 2 группы в зависимости от возраста: 1-я группа – 32 ребенка 6-9 лет с ранним сменным прикусом, 2-я –26 детей с поздним сменным прикусом (10-14 лет). Результаты: после использования ЛМ-активатора в 70% наблюдений аномалии прикуса нивелируются, и окклюзия соответствует возрастной норме, последующее ортодонтическое лечение не требуется. Лечение LM-активатором было более успешным у пациентов, которые также выполняют лечебную гимнастику. В случаях некариозных поражений зубов и множественного кариеса LM активаторы
имеют преимущества перед другими аппаратами в связи с отсутствием родолжительного
непосредственного контакта металлических или пластмассовых деталей аппарата с эмалью зубов.Выводы: лечение нужно начинать в период сменного прикуса, во время прорезывания первых постоянных зубов, так как нормализация вектора роста челюстей наиболее эффективно поддается коррекции именно в этом возрасте.
Bo’lgan nutqida nuqsoni bo’lgan bemorlarda profilaktika dasturlari va myofunksional LM-aktivator vositalaridan kompleks foydalanish orqali ortodontik davolash samaradorligini oshirish.Materiallar va usullar: 6 yoshdan 9 yoshgacha bo’lgan tishlarning tish vertikal anomaliyalari va nutqning zaiflashishi bilan erta o’zgaruvchan tishlash bilan 58 bola kuzatildi, ular yoshiga qarab 2 guruhga bo’lingan: 1-guruh — 6-9 yoshdagi 32 bola erta luqma bilan, 2–26 kech tishlagan bolalar (10-14 yosh). Natijalar: LM aktivatoridan foydalangandan so’ng, 70% hollarda okklyuziya anomaliyalari tenglashtiriladi va okluziya yosh normasiga to’g’ri keladi, bundan keyin ortodontik davolanish talab qilinmaydi. LM aktivatorini davolash, shuningdek terapevtik mashqlarni bajaradigan bemorlarda yanada muvaffaqiyatli bo’ldi. Tishlarning kariyessiz shikastlanishi va ko’p kariyes holatlarida LM aktivatorlari uzoq vaqt davomida qurilmaning metall yoki plastmassa qismlarini tish emaliga to’g’ridanto’g’ri tegmasligi sababli boshqa qurilmalarga nisbatan afzalliklarga ega. Xulosa: davolashni aralash tishlash davrida, birinchi doimiy tishlarning otilishi paytida boshlash kerak, chunki jag’ning o’sish vektorini normallashtirish ushbu yoshda tuzatish uchun eng samarali hisoblanadi.
To increase the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment in patients with speech impairments with vertical anomalies of the dentoalveolar system through the combined use of prevention programs and myofunctional LM-activator devices. Material and methods: 58 children aged from 6 to 9 years old with an early changeable bite with vertical anomalies of the dentition and speech impairment were observed, who were divided into 2 groups depending on age: 1st group — 32 children 6-9 years old with early bite, 2nd –26 children with late bite (10-14 years). Results: After using the LM activator,in 70% of cases, occlusion anomalies are leveled, and the occlusion corresponds to the age norm, subsequent orthodontic treatment is not required. LM activator treatment has been more successful in patients who are also doing therapeutic exercises. In cases of non-carious lesions of teeth and multiple caries, LM activators have advantages over other devices due to the absence of prolonged direct contact of metal or plastic parts of the device with the enamel of the teeth. Conclusions: Treatment should be started during the period of mixed bite, during the eruption of the first permanent teeth, since the normalization of the jaw growth vector can be most effectively corrected at this age.
Bo’lgan nutqida nuqsoni bo’lgan bemorlarda profilaktika dasturlari va myofunksional LM-aktivator vositalaridan kompleks foydalanish orqali ortodontik davolash samaradorligini oshirish.Materiallar va usullar: 6 yoshdan 9 yoshgacha bo’lgan tishlarning tish vertikal anomaliyalari va nutqning zaiflashishi bilan erta o’zgaruvchan tishlash bilan 58 bola kuzatildi, ular yoshiga qarab 2 guruhga bo’lingan: 1-guruh — 6-9 yoshdagi 32 bola erta luqma bilan, 2–26 kech tishlagan bolalar (10-14 yosh). Natijalar: LM aktivatoridan foydalangandan so’ng, 70% hollarda okklyuziya anomaliyalari tenglashtiriladi va okluziya yosh normasiga to’g’ri keladi, bundan keyin ortodontik davolanish talab qilinmaydi. LM aktivatorini davolash, shuningdek terapevtik mashqlarni bajaradigan bemorlarda yanada muvaffaqiyatli bo’ldi. Tishlarning kariyessiz shikastlanishi va ko’p kariyes holatlarida LM aktivatorlari uzoq vaqt davomida qurilmaning metall yoki plastmassa qismlarini tish emaliga to’g’ridanto’g’ri tegmasligi sababli boshqa qurilmalarga nisbatan afzalliklarga ega. Xulosa: davolashni aralash tishlash davrida, birinchi doimiy tishlarning otilishi paytida boshlash kerak, chunki jag’ning o’sish vektorini normallashtirish ushbu yoshda tuzatish uchun eng samarali hisoblanadi.
To increase the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment in patients with speech impairments with vertical anomalies of the dentoalveolar system through the combined use of prevention programs and myofunctional LM-activator devices. Material and methods: 58 children aged from 6 to 9 years old with an early changeable bite with vertical anomalies of the dentition and speech impairment were observed, who were divided into 2 groups depending on age: 1st group — 32 children 6-9 years old with early bite, 2nd –26 children with late bite (10-14 years). Results: After using the LM activator,in 70% of cases, occlusion anomalies are leveled, and the occlusion corresponds to the age norm, subsequent orthodontic treatment is not required. LM activator treatment has been more successful in patients who are also doing therapeutic exercises. In cases of non-carious lesions of teeth and multiple caries, LM activators have advantages over other devices due to the absence of prolonged direct contact of metal or plastic parts of the device with the enamel of the teeth. Conclusions: Treatment should be started during the period of mixed bite, during the eruption of the first permanent teeth, since the normalization of the jaw growth vector can be most effectively corrected at this age.