Лечебно-диагностическая тактика при местных осложнениях после уранопластики
- № 4 2021
Язык: русский
Проведен ретроспективный анализ местных осложнений после уранопластики у
детей с врожденной расщелиной неба. Определены виды ранних местных осложнений после уранопластики, предложена классификация и лечебно-диагностическая тактик при них.
A retrospective analysis of local complications after uranoplasty in children with congenital cleft palate was carried out. The types of early local complications after uranoplasty were determined, a classification and therapeutic and diagnostic tactics for them were proposed.
A retrospective analysis of local complications after uranoplasty in children with congenital cleft palate was carried out. The types of early local complications after uranoplasty were determined, a classification and therapeutic and diagnostic tactics for them were proposed.