Кутубхоначилик соҳасидаги изланишларнинг илмметрик кўрсаткичлари
- № 9 2021
Язык: узбекский
Мақолада кутубхоначилик соҳасида олиб борилган илмий тадқиқотлар бўйича илмметрик изланиш натижалари келтирилиб, хориж ҳамда мамлакатимизда соҳа бўйича олиб борилган тадқиқотларнинг ретроспектив таҳлили, диссертацияларни мавзулар кўлами бўйича таҳлил натижалари ёритилган. Маълумки, диссертациялар анъанавий равишда илмий тадқиқот йўналишларини аниқлашда маълум бир “кўрсаткич” бўлиб хизмат қилиб, ахборот-кутубхона соҳасидаги фанларни ривожланиш тенденцияларини аниқлаш учун ахборот базаси бўлиб хизмат қилади.Ривожланган хориж мамлакатларида ахборот-кутубхона йўналишини ривожланишининг устувор йўналишларини ўрганиш ҳамда бу борада бизнинг истиқболли вазифаларимизни қўриб чиқишимиз лозим.
The article presents the results of scientific research conducted in the field of library science, the results of a retrospective analysis of foreign and domestic research conducted in this field, the results of the analysis of dissertations on this topic. It is known that dissertations traditionally serve as a certain «indicator» when determining the directions of scientific research and an information base for determining trends in the development of disciplines in the field under study. It is necessary to study the priority directions of the development of the Information and Library fields in developed foreign countries, as well as to determine our promising tasks and scientific priorities.
The article presents the results of scientific research conducted in the field of library science, the results of a retrospective analysis of foreign and domestic research conducted in this field, the results of the analysis of dissertations on this topic. It is known that dissertations traditionally serve as a certain «indicator» when determining the directions of scientific research and an information base for determining trends in the development of disciplines in the field under study. It is necessary to study the priority directions of the development of the Information and Library fields in developed foreign countries, as well as to determine our promising tasks and scientific priorities.