Корпоратив кутубхона тизимларининг тўпламлар назариясига асосланган моделлари
- № 4(44) 2019
Язык: узбекский
Мақолада корпоратив кутубхона тизимларининг назарий ва математик моделлари тизимли таҳлилнинг муҳим қисмларидан бири сифатида келтирилган. Моделлар нафақат кутубхона тузилмаларидаги элементлар ўртасидаги ахборот ва математик алоқаларни исботлашга имкон беради, балки уларнинг хусусиятларини ўрганиш ва ундан автоматлаштирилган кутубхона тармоғида фойдаланиш учун имконият яратади.
Theoretical and mathematical models of corporate library systems as one of the important part of the system analyze is given in this article. The models allow to prove not only the information and mathematic relations between elements in 3library structures but they can give possibilities to research their properties and use it in the automated library network.
Theoretical and mathematical models of corporate library systems as one of the important part of the system analyze is given in this article. The models allow to prove not only the information and mathematic relations between elements in 3library structures but they can give possibilities to research their properties and use it in the automated library network.