Компьютерное моделирование процесса распространения вредных аэрозольных частиц в пограничном слое атмосферы
- № 2(8) 2017
Язык: русский
Рассматривается актуальность решения задачи мониторинга и прогнозирования экологического состояния
промышленных регионов, где имеет место нарушение баланса санитарной нормы окружающей среды
вследствие большого количества выбросов вредных мелкодисперсных активных аэрозольных частиц и
углекислых газов в атмосферу. Приводится математическая модель процесса распространения загрязняющих
веществ, выброшенных в окружающую среду из производственных объектов, которая описывается системой
дифференциальных уравнений в частных производных с соответствующими начальными и краевыми
условиями. В работе получено дифференциальное уравнение для расчета скорости осаждения
мелкодисперсных и аэрозольных частиц, распространяющихся в приграничном слое атмосферы, когда
учитываются основные параметры, воздействующие на скорость осаждения частиц: масса и радиус
аэрозольных частиц, плотность атмосферы, сила сопротивления воздуха. Указаны основные параметры,
которые играют существенную роль в процессе переноса и диффузии вредных веществ в атмосфере: скорость
ветра и его направления; коэффициент поглощения вредных аэрозольных мелкодисперсных частиц в атмосфере
и т.д. На основе реальных погодно-климатических факторов и с учетом орографии поверхности
рассматриваемого региона проведены вычислительные эксперименты на ЭВМ, результаты которых приведены
в виде двухмерных и трехмерных графических объектов. Также приведены интерпретация результатов и
выводы по проведенному исследованию в целом.
In the article the urgency of solving the problem of monitoring and forecasting of the ecological state of industrial regions, where there is an imbalance of sanitary environmental regulations due to the large number of emissions of harmful active fine aerosol particles and carbon dioxide gases into the atmosphere. A mathematical model of the spread of pollutants released into the environment from production facilities which describes the system of differential equations in partial derivatives with appropriate initial and boundary conditions. We obtain the differential equation for calculating the rate of deposition of fine particulate and propagating in the boundary layer of the atmosphere, when considering the principal parameters affecting the rate of particle deposition the mass and radius of the aerosol particle density of the atmosphere, air resistance force. The article discusses the numerical solution of the problem of monitoring and forecasting of ecological state of industrial regions, where there is an imbalance of sanitary environmental regulations due to the large amount of harmful emissions of fine particulate matter, and carbon dioxide gas. Define the main parameters that play a significant role in the transport and diffusion of pollutants in the atmosphere: the wind speed and direction; absorption coefficient harmful aerosol of fine particles in the atmosphere, etc. On the basis of the actual climatic factors and taking into account the orography of the region the surface of computational experiments conducted on a computer, the results of which are shown in the form of two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics. It also includes the interpretation of the results and conclusions of research in general.
Maqolada tufayli atmosferaga zararli faol nozik purkaladigan zarralar va karbonat gazlar chiqindilari katta raqamiga monitoring va sanitariya ekologik qoidalarga bir nomutanosiblik bor sanoat hududlarida, ekologik davlat prognozlash muammosini hal etish dolzarbligi. ifloslantiruvchi moddalar tarqalish A matematik model tegishli boshlang’ich va chegara shartlari bilan qisman sanab chiqing differensial tenglamalar tizimini ta’riflaydi ishlab chiqarish majmuida atrof-muhit qo’yib. Biz nozik zaharli birikmasini tezligini hisoblash va atmosferaning chegara qatlamida targ’ib uchun differensial tenglama olish, zarracha cho’kma kursi atmosfera, havo qarshilik kuch purkaladigan zarracha zichligi massasi va radiusi ta’sir asosiy parametrlarini hisobga qachon. maqola tufayli zararli nozik zaharli moddalar chiqindilarining va uglerod dioksid gaz katta miqdori monitoring va sanitariya ekologik qoidalarga bir nomutanosiblik bor sanoat hududlarida, ekologik davlat prognozlash muammosi soni hal muhokama. transport va diffuziya ifloslantiruvchi muhitida muhim rol o’ynaydi asosiy parametrlarini aniqlash: shamol tezligi va yo’nalishi; atmosfera va hokazo nozik zarrachalar yutilish koeffitsienti zararli purkaladigan Viloyat hisobga kompyuterda amalga oshirilgan hisoblash tajribalar sirtini orography olib dolzarb iqlimiy omillar asosida va natijalari ikki o’lchovli va uch o’lchovli grafik shaklida ko’rsatilgan. Bu, shuningdek, umuman, tadqiqot natijalari va xulosalari talqini o’z ichiga oladi.
In the article the urgency of solving the problem of monitoring and forecasting of the ecological state of industrial regions, where there is an imbalance of sanitary environmental regulations due to the large number of emissions of harmful active fine aerosol particles and carbon dioxide gases into the atmosphere. A mathematical model of the spread of pollutants released into the environment from production facilities which describes the system of differential equations in partial derivatives with appropriate initial and boundary conditions. We obtain the differential equation for calculating the rate of deposition of fine particulate and propagating in the boundary layer of the atmosphere, when considering the principal parameters affecting the rate of particle deposition the mass and radius of the aerosol particle density of the atmosphere, air resistance force. The article discusses the numerical solution of the problem of monitoring and forecasting of ecological state of industrial regions, where there is an imbalance of sanitary environmental regulations due to the large amount of harmful emissions of fine particulate matter, and carbon dioxide gas. Define the main parameters that play a significant role in the transport and diffusion of pollutants in the atmosphere: the wind speed and direction; absorption coefficient harmful aerosol of fine particles in the atmosphere, etc. On the basis of the actual climatic factors and taking into account the orography of the region the surface of computational experiments conducted on a computer, the results of which are shown in the form of two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics. It also includes the interpretation of the results and conclusions of research in general.
Maqolada tufayli atmosferaga zararli faol nozik purkaladigan zarralar va karbonat gazlar chiqindilari katta raqamiga monitoring va sanitariya ekologik qoidalarga bir nomutanosiblik bor sanoat hududlarida, ekologik davlat prognozlash muammosini hal etish dolzarbligi. ifloslantiruvchi moddalar tarqalish A matematik model tegishli boshlang’ich va chegara shartlari bilan qisman sanab chiqing differensial tenglamalar tizimini ta’riflaydi ishlab chiqarish majmuida atrof-muhit qo’yib. Biz nozik zaharli birikmasini tezligini hisoblash va atmosferaning chegara qatlamida targ’ib uchun differensial tenglama olish, zarracha cho’kma kursi atmosfera, havo qarshilik kuch purkaladigan zarracha zichligi massasi va radiusi ta’sir asosiy parametrlarini hisobga qachon. maqola tufayli zararli nozik zaharli moddalar chiqindilarining va uglerod dioksid gaz katta miqdori monitoring va sanitariya ekologik qoidalarga bir nomutanosiblik bor sanoat hududlarida, ekologik davlat prognozlash muammosi soni hal muhokama. transport va diffuziya ifloslantiruvchi muhitida muhim rol o’ynaydi asosiy parametrlarini aniqlash: shamol tezligi va yo’nalishi; atmosfera va hokazo nozik zarrachalar yutilish koeffitsienti zararli purkaladigan Viloyat hisobga kompyuterda amalga oshirilgan hisoblash tajribalar sirtini orography olib dolzarb iqlimiy omillar asosida va natijalari ikki o’lchovli va uch o’lchovli grafik shaklida ko’rsatilgan. Bu, shuningdek, umuman, tadqiqot natijalari va xulosalari talqini o’z ichiga oladi.