Клиникаларда қандли — диабет билан касалланган беморларни онлайн рўйхатга олиш ва мониторинг қилиш тизими
- № 4 (10) 2019
Язык: узбекский
Ушбу мақолада тиббиёт соҳасини ахборотлаштириш жараёнида учрайдиган айрим камчилик ва муаммолар ўрганиб чиқилган. Тиббий ахборот тизимларининг яратилишида маълумотлар базасининг структурасини ишлаб чиқилди ва қандли – диабет билан касалланган беморларни онлайн-рўйхатга олиш ва мониторинг қилиш тизими ишлаб чиқилди. Ушбу тизим касалхоналар учун яратилган бўлиб, аҳолинининг соғлом турмуш тарзини жорий этишда эндокрин касалликларнинг олдини олиш, уларни барвақт аниқлаш, рўйхатга олиш ва клиник ёрдам кўсатишга хизмат қилади.
This article explores some of the disadvantages and problems that have emerged in the medical information process. With the disintegration of the medical information inventory, the structure of the database has been broken down and the system of online tracking and monitoring of patients with diabetes has been developed. This inventory has been devastated for hospitals and serves to promote the endocrine disorders, early detection, registration, and clinical care of the population in promoting a healthy lifestyle.
This article explores some of the disadvantages and problems that have emerged in the medical information process. With the disintegration of the medical information inventory, the structure of the database has been broken down and the system of online tracking and monitoring of patients with diabetes has been developed. This inventory has been devastated for hospitals and serves to promote the endocrine disorders, early detection, registration, and clinical care of the population in promoting a healthy lifestyle.