Клинические, гистохимические и морфологические особенности течения острого герпетического стоматита у детей
- № 3(72) 2018
Язык: русский
Ushbu maqolada bolalarda o’tkir herpetik stomatitlarning klinik, gistokimyoviy va morfologik xususiyatlari o’rganiladi. Hujayra va humoral immunitetning parametrlari o’rganildi. Natijalar baholanadi va tegishli xulosalar tuziladi.
This article examines the clinical, histochemical and morphological features of the course of acute herpetic stomatitis in children. The parameters of cellular and humoral immunity were studied. The results are evaluated and the corresponding conclusions are drawn.
This article examines the clinical, histochemical and morphological features of the course of acute herpetic stomatitis in children. The parameters of cellular and humoral immunity were studied. The results are evaluated and the corresponding conclusions are drawn.